
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Friday, October 2, 2009

ScienceDirect Alert: Cell, Vol. 139, Iss. 1, 2009


New Volume/Issue is now available on ScienceDirect

Volume 139, Issue 1,  Pages 1-212 (2 October 2009)

  Leading Edge
 1. In This Issue
Pages 1, 3
 2. Neurobiology Select
Pages 5, 7
 3. Taming Supplemental Material
Page 11
Emilie Marcus
 4. Taking Risks to Transform Science
Pages 13-15
Amy Maxmen
 5. Learning How to Read ADP-Ribosylation
Pages 17-19
Henning Kleine, Bernhard Lüscher
 6. Sex on the Brain
Pages 19-21
Khatuna Gagnidze, Donald W. Pfaff
 7. Condensin(g) Crossover Control to a Few Breaks
Pages 21-23
Simon J. Boulton
 8. It's All about Timing
Pages 23-25
Gary T. Philips, Thomas J. Carew
 9. DNA Double-Strand Breaks Come into Focus
Pages 25-27
Karl-Peter Hopfner
 10. Regulating the Regulators: Posttranslational Modifications of RNA Silencing Factors
Pages 28-31
Inha Heo, V. Narry Kim
 11. Mechanotransduction by Hair Cells: Models, Molecules, and Mechanisms
Pages 33-44
Peter G. Gillespie, Ulrich Müller
 12. Olfactory Perception: Receptors, Cells, and Circuits
Pages 45-59
Chih-Ying Su, Karen Menuz, John R. Carlson
 13. Estrogen Masculinizes Neural Pathways and Sex-Specific Behaviors
Pages 61-72
Melody V. Wu, Devanand S. Manoli, Eleanor J. Fraser, Jennifer K. Coats, Jessica Tollkuhn, Shin-Ichiro Honda, Nobuhiro Harada, Nirao M. Shah
 14. Condensins Regulate Meiotic DNA Break Distribution, thus Crossover Frequency, by Controlling Chromosome Structure
Pages 73-86
David G. Mets, Barbara J. Meyer
 15. Nbs1 Flexibly Tethers Ctp1 and Mre11-Rad50 to Coordinate DNA Double-Strand Break Processing and Repair
Pages 87-99
R. Scott Williams, Gerald E. Dodson, Oliver Limbo, Yoshiki Yamada, Jessica S. Williams, Grant Guenther, Scott Classen, J.N. Mark Glover, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Paul Russell, John A. Tainer
 16. A Supramodular FHA/BRCT-Repeat Architecture Mediates Nbs1 Adaptor Function in Response to DNA Damage
Pages 100-111
Janette Lloyd, J. Ross Chapman, Julie A. Clapperton, Lesley F. Haire, Edgar Hartsuiker, Jiejin Li, Antony M. Carr, Stephen P. Jackson, Stephen J. Smerdon
 17. Phosphorylation of the Human MicroRNA-Generating Complex Mediates MAPK/Erk Signaling
Pages 112-122
Zain Paroo, Xuecheng Ye, She Chen, Qinghua Liu
 18. The Argonaute CSR-1 and Its 22G-RNA Cofactors Are Required for Holocentric Chromosome Segregation
Pages 123-134
Julie M. Claycomb, Pedro J. Batista, Ka Ming Pang, Weifeng Gu, Jessica J. Vasale, Josien C. van Wolfswinkel, Daniel A. Chaves, Masaki Shirayama, Shohei Mitani, René F. Ketting, Darryl Conte Jr., Craig C. Mello
 19. CDE-1 Affects Chromosome Segregation through Uridylation of CSR-1-Bound siRNAs
Pages 135-148
Josien C. van Wolfswinkel, Julie M. Claycomb, Pedro J. Batista, Craig C. Mello, Eugene Berezikov, René F. Ketting
 20. 4E-BP Extends Lifespan upon Dietary Restriction by Enhancing Mitochondrial Activity in Drosophila
Pages 149-160
Brian M. Zid, Aric N. Rogers, Subhash D. Katewa, Misha A. Vargas, Marysia C. Kolipinski, Tony Au Lu, Seymour Benzer, Pankaj Kapahi
 21. Stringent Specificity in the Construction of a GABAergic Presynaptic Inhibitory Circuit
Pages 161-174
J. Nicholas Betley, Christopher V.E. Wright, Yoshiya Kawaguchi, Ferenc Erdélyi, Gábor Szabó, Thomas M. Jessell, Julia A. Kaltschmidt
 22. Retinal Input Instructs Alignment of Visual Topographic Maps
Pages 175-185
Jason W. Triplett, Melinda T. Owens, Jena Yamada, Greg Lemke, Jianhua Cang, Michael P. Stryker, David A. Feldheim
 23. The Phosphatase SHP2 Regulates the Spacing Effect for Long-Term Memory Induction
Pages 186-198
Mario R. Pagani, Kimihiko Oishi, Bruce D. Gelb, Yi Zhong
 24. A Genome-wide RNAi Screen for Modifiers of the Circadian Clock in Human Cells
Pages 199-210
Eric E. Zhang, Andrew C. Liu, Tsuyoshi Hirota, Loren J. Miraglia, Genevieve Welch, Pagkapol Y. Pongsawakul, Xianzhong Liu, Ann Atwood, Jon W. Huss III, Jeff Janes, Andrew I. Su, John B. Hogenesch, Steve A. Kay
 25. DNA Damage Regulates Alternative Splicing through Inhibition of RNA Polymerase II Elongation
Page 211
Manuel J. Muñoz, M. Soledad Pérez Santangelo, Maria P. Paronetto, Manuel de la Mata, Federico Pelisch, Stéphanie Boireau, Kira Glover-Cutter, Claudia Ben-Dov, Matías Blaustein, Juan J. Lozano, Gregory Bird, David Bentley, Edouard Bertrand, Alberto R. Kornblihtt
 26. Enhanced SnapShot: Antibiotic Inhibition of Protein Synthesis II
Pages 212-212.e1
Daniel Sohmen, Joerg M. Harms, Frank Schlünzen, Daniel N. Wilson

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