
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Friday, May 29, 2009

ScienceDirect Alert: Cell, Vol. 137, Iss. 5, 2009


New Volume/Issue is now available on ScienceDirect

Volume 137, Issue 5,  Pages 785-974 (29 May 2009)

  Leading Edge
 1. In This Issue
Pages 785, 787
 2. Plant Biology Select
Pages 789, 791
 3. Mind the Gap: Bringing Scientists and Society Together
Pages 793-795
Joan J. Guinovart
 4. Finding and Drugging the Vulnerabilities of RAS-Dependent Cancers
Pages 796-798
Charles L. Sawyers
 5. Size and Speed Go Hand in Hand in Cytokinesis
Pages 798-800
Martin Wühr, Timothy J. Mitchison, Christine M. Field
 6. FOXP2 and Human Cognition
Pages 800-802
Philip Lieberman
 7. With Happyhour, Everyone's Under the Table
Pages 802-804
Mark T. Palfreyman
 8. NPR1 in Plant Defense: It's Not over 'til It's Turned over
Pages 804-806
M. Shahid Mukhtar, Marc T. Nishimura, Jeff Dangl
 9. At Loose Ends: Resecting a Double-Strand Break
Pages 807-810
Kara A. Bernstein, Rodney Rothstein
 10. The Tortoise and the Hair: Slow-Cycling Cells in the Stem Cell Race
Pages 811-819
Elaine Fuchs
 11. Synthetic Lethal Interaction between Oncogenic KRAS Dependency and STK33 Suppression in Human Cancer Cells
Pages 821-834
Claudia Scholl, Stefan Fröhling, Ian F. Dunn, Anna C. Schinzel, David A. Barbie, So Young Kim, Serena J. Silver, Pablo Tamayo, Raymond C. Wadlow, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Konstanze Döhner, Lars Bullinger, Peter Sandy, Jesse S. Boehm, David E. Root, Tyler Jacks, William C. Hahn, D. Gary Gilliland
 12. A Genome-wide RNAi Screen Identifies Multiple Synthetic Lethal Interactions with the Ras Oncogene
Pages 835-848
Ji Luo, Michael J. Emanuele, Danan Li, Chad J. Creighton, Michael R. Schlabach, Thomas F. Westbrook, Kwok-Kin Wong, Stephen J. Elledge
 13. Mechanistic Basis of 5′-3′ Translocation in SF1B Helicases
Pages 849-859
Kayarat Saikrishnan, Benjamin Powell, Nicola J. Cook, Martin R. Webb, Dale B. Wigley
 14. Proteasome-Mediated Turnover of the Transcription Coactivator NPR1 Plays Dual Roles in Regulating Plant Immunity
Pages 860-872
Steven H. Spoel, Zhonglin Mou, Yasuomi Tada, Natalie W. Spivey, Pascal Genschik, Xinnian Dong
 15. DEPTOR Is an mTOR Inhibitor Frequently Overexpressed in Multiple Myeloma Cells and Required for Their Survival
Pages 873-886
Timothy R. Peterson, Mathieu Laplante, Carson C. Thoreen, Yasemin Sancak, Seong A. Kang, W. Michael Kuehl, Nathanael S. Gray, David M. Sabatini
 16. Multiple Assembly Chaperones Govern Biogenesis of the Proteasome Regulatory Particle Base
Pages 887-899
Minoru Funakoshi, Robert J. Tomko Jr., Hideki Kobayashi, Mark Hochstrasser
 17. Multiple Proteasome-Interacting Proteins Assist the Assembly of the Yeast 19S Regulatory Particle
Pages 900-913
Yasushi Saeki, Akio Toh-e, Tai Kudo, Hitomi Kawamura, Keiji Tanaka
 18. Assembly Pathway of the Mammalian Proteasome Base Subcomplex Is Mediated by Multiple Specific Chaperones
Pages 914-925
Takeumi Kaneko, Jun Hamazaki, Shun-ichiro Iemura, Katsuhiro Sasaki, Kaori Furuyama, Tohru Natsume, Keiji Tanaka, Shigeo Murata
 19. Structural Memory in the Contractile Ring Makes the Duration of Cytokinesis Independent of Cell Size
Pages 926-937
Ana Carvalho, Arshad Desai, Karen Oegema
 20. RhoBTB3: A Rho GTPase-Family ATPase Required for Endosome to Golgi Transport
Pages 938-948
Eric J. Espinosa, Monica Calero, Khambhampaty Sridevi, Suzanne R. Pfeffer
 21. Happyhour, a Ste20 Family Kinase, Implicates EGFR Signaling in Ethanol-Induced Behaviors
Pages 949-960
Ammon B. Corl, Karen H. Berger, Galit Ophir-Shohat, Julie Gesch, Jeffrey A. Simms, Selena E. Bartlett, Ulrike Heberlein
 22. A Humanized Version of Foxp2 Affects Cortico-Basal Ganglia Circuits in Mice
Pages 961-971
Wolfgang Enard, Sabine Gehre, Kurt Hammerschmidt, Sabine M. Hölter, Torsten Blass, Mehmet Somel, Martina K. Brückner, Christiane Schreiweis, Christine Winter, Reinhard Sohr, Lore Becker, Victor Wiebe, Birgit Nickel, Thomas Giger, Uwe Müller, Matthias Groszer, Thure Adler, Antonio Aguilar, Ines Bolle, Julia Calzada-Wack, Claudia Dalke, Nicole Ehrhardt, Jack Favor, Helmut Fuchs, Valérie Gailus-Durner, Wolfgang Hans, Gabriele Hölzlwimmer, Anahita Javaheri, Svetoslav Kalaydjiev, Magdalena Kallnik, Eva Kling, Sandra Kunder, Ilona Moßbrugger, Beatrix Naton, Ildikó Racz, Birgit Rathkolb, Jan Rozman, Anja Schrewe, Dirk H. Busch, Jochen Graw, Boris Ivandic, Martin Klingenspor, Thomas Klopstock, Markus Ollert, Leticia Quintanilla-Martinez, Holger Schulz, Eckhard Wolf, Wolfgang Wurst, Andreas Zimmer, Simon E. Fisher, Rudolf Morgenstern, Thomas Arendt, Martin Hrabé de Angelis, Julia Fischer, Johannes Schwarz, Svante Pääbo
 23. Mechanism of Replication-Coupled DNA Interstrand Crosslink Repair
Page 972
Markus Räschle, Puck Knipscheer, Milica Enoiu, Todor Angelov, Jingchuan Sun, Jack D. Griffith, Tom E. Ellenberger, Orlando D. Schärer, Johannes C. Walter
 24. SnapShot: B7/CD28 Costimulation
Pages 974-974.e1
Alison M. Paterson, Vijay K. Vanguri, Arlene H. Sharpe

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