
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Genesis I Heating System fueled by Water!

earthHHOHHU.COM llc

 The Future is Now!

HHOHHU.COM llc is proud to announce the new Genesis I Home Heating System.   This highly efficient, environmentally safe unit burns water as it's fuel.  Imagine heating your home or business for just pennies a day, while emitting no fluorocarbons, no green house gas, no carbon monoxide or other polutants. HHOHHU.COM was the first to perfect the use of hydrogen as a heating source.  After the initial discovery HHOHHU.COM made their findings available to the public in the form of downloadable plans and schematics, and now home heating unit plans have been purchased by people from all around the world.  Of the many questions and inquiries made to HHOHHU.COM one is more prevalent than all the others, when will we have a fully operational, self contained unit available to purchase.  After months of research and development HHOHHU.COM has units available and ready for sale.  Heat your home for just pennies a day. Click here for more information

14072 Pearl Pointe Dr. - Caldell, ID 83607 US


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World Time