April 2009 Volume 10 Number 4, pp 325 - 443
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Focus on Immune Signaling Cross-talk
Embrace the complexity p325
Immune cell signal transduction is just too complicated to be
effectively queried using traditional methods and mindsets.
Focus on Immune Signaling Cross-talk
Navigating the network: signaling cross-talk in hematopoietic
cells pp327 - 331
Iain D C Fraser and Ronald N Germain
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=44&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Focus on Immune Signaling Cross-talk
Integration of cytokine and heterologous receptor signaling pathways
pp333 - 339
Jelena S Bezbradica and Ruslan Medzhitov
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=16&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Focus on Immune Signaling Cross-talk
Cross-regulation of signaling by ITAM-associated receptors
pp340 - 347
Lionel B Ivashkiv
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=120&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Focus on Immune Signaling Cross-talk
Death receptor signal transducers: nodes of coordination in immune
signaling networks pp348 - 355
Nicholas S Wilson, Vishva Dixit and Avi Ashkenazi
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=103&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Focus on Immune Signaling Cross-talk
Selectivity and therapeutic inhibition of kinases: to be or not
to be? pp356 - 360
Kamran Ghoreschi, Arian Laurence and John J O'Shea
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=55&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Focus on Immune Signaling Cross-talk
Lymphocyte signaling: beyond knockouts pp361 - 364
Alexander Saveliev and Victor L J Tybulewicz
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=96&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Focus on Immune Signaling Cross-talk
Research Highlights p365
AID and RPA: PKA makes the connection local pp367 - 369
How immunoglobulin gene loci are specifically targeted by
activation-induced cytidine deaminase while the rest of the
genome avoids potentially mutagenic events is becoming clearer.
Cristina Rada
The road not taken: memory T cell fate 'decisions'
pp369 - 370
Two papers published recently in Science exploit new transgenic
mouse systems to explore the path that activated CD8+ T cells
take on the way to memory differentiation.
Leo Lefrancois and David Masopust
Revisiting the follicular helper T cell paradigm pp371 - 372
Antibody responses are critical for host protection against many
pathogens. By reporting what actually occurs in vivo, two new
studies provide important clues about follicular helper T cells
that are dedicated to providing help to B cells.
Bernard Malissen
Research Highlights p373
The function of follicular helper T cells is regulated by the
strength of T cell antigen receptor binding pp375 - 384
Efficient humoral immunity requires B cell-T cell interactions
in lymphoid follicles. McHeyzer-Williams and colleagues show
that CXCR5+ follicular helper T cells have T cell antigen
receptors with higher affinity for antigen than do other
responding effector helper T cells.
Nicolas Fazilleau, Louise J McHeyzer-Williams, Hugh Rosen
and Michael G McHeyzer-Williams
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=38&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Cytokine-secreting follicular T cells shape the antibody repertoire
pp385 - 393
High-affinity isotype-switched B cells arise in germinal centers.
Locksley and colleagues show that follicular helper T cells are the
main cytokine providers for GC B cells and thereby directly influence
the ensuing antibody response.
R Lee Reinhardt, Hong-Erh Liang and Richard M Locksley
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=99&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Blood-derived inflammatory dendritic cells in lymph nodes stimulate
acute T helper type 1 immune responses pp394 - 402
Lymphocytes are typically recruited into lymph nodes via CCR7. Gunn
and colleagues identify an 'inflammatory DC' subset that is recruited
directly from the bloodstream through the use of CCR2 and that
induces potent T helper type 1 priming.
Hideki Nakano et al.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=72&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Cannabinoid receptor 2 mediates the retention of immature B cells in
bone marrow sinusoids pp403 - 411
The molecular mechanisms that govern B cell progenitor localization
in bone marrow sinusoids are not understood. Cyster and colleagues
demonstrate involvement of cannabinoid receptor 2 in retaining
developing B cells in sinusoids.
Joao P Pereira et al.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=110&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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CD98hc facilitates B cell proliferation and adaptive humoral
immunity pp412 - 419
The function of the CD98hc transmembrane protein in adaptive immune
responses has been unclear. Ginsberg and colleagues show that CD98hc
is needed for B cell proliferation and subsequent plasma cell
Joseph Cantor et al.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=70&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Specific recruitment of protein kinase A to the immunoglobulin locus
regulates class-switch recombination pp420 - 426
Immunoglobulin class-switch recombination requires activation-induced
cytidine deaminase. Chaudhuri and colleagues show independent
recruitment of protein kinase A to switch regions, where it
phosphorylates this deaminase to promote class-switch recombination.
Bao Q Vuong et al.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=14&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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CD27 is a thymic determinant of the balance between interferon-gamma-
and interleukin 17-producing gamma delta T cell subsets pp427 - 436
In peripheral lymphoid organs, gamma delta T cells are a source of
interleukin 17. Silva-Santos and colleagues find that production of
interleukin 17 versus interferon-gamma by gamma delta T cells is
inflexible and is determined in the thymus.
Julie C Ribot et al.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=36&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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Function of C/EBP[delta] in a regulatory circuit that discriminates
between transient and persistent TLR4-induced signals pp437 - 443
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) induce complex transcriptional responses.
Aderem and colleagues use systems-biology approaches to show that
three transcription factors, NF-kappaB, ATF3 and C/EBPdelta, work
together to distinguish persistent versus transient TLR stimuli.
Vladimir Litvak et al.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=2&m=32143141&r=MTc2NTA4MDAwNgS2&b=2&j=NDY3NzE0NjAS1&mt=1&rt=0
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