Monday, October 20, 2008
Any Comments ?.......
E-mail: manojhind2001us@gmail.com
Stem Cell Researchers
- Alexander Medvinsky
- Ali Brivanlou
- Anders Björklund
- Andre Choo
- Andrew Laslett
- Angelo Vescovi
- Ann A. Kiessling
- Annapoorni Rangarajan
- Anura Rambukkana
- Ariff Bongso
- Asa Abeliovich
- Asok Mukhopadhyay
- Austin Smith
- Brian Hendrich
- Bruno Péault
- Cambridge Stem Cell Team
- Cao Tong
- Carol Tang
- Catherine Verfaillie
- Choong Meng Ling
- Claire Pomeroy
- CS Chen
- D Balasubramanian
- David Haylock
- Debra S. Grega
- Deniz Kirik
- Douglas Winton
- Elaine Fuchs
- Emerson C. Perin
- Ernst J Wolvetang
- EuroStemCell Principal Investigators
- Fiona K. Doetsch
- Fiona Watt
- Frank Edenhofer
- Frederick J. Meyers
- Gary D. Smith
- Gavin Dawe
- George Daley
- Gerald Udolph
- Gunnar Juliusson
- Han Xiaodi
- Hannes Hentze
- Harry Moore
- Harvard Stem Cell Team
- Henrik Semb
- Hossein Baharvand
- Ian Chambers
- Ian McNiece
- Irving Weissman
- Isabella Artner
- Ivan Bertoncello
- Ivan R. Schwab
- J. Peter Rubin
- Jack M. Parent
- James F. Battey
- James Thomson
- Jay Tischfield
- Jeremy Micah Crook
- Johan Bengzon
- John A. Kessler
- John D. Gearhart
- John Harrington
- John R. Wingard
- John Yu
- Johnny Huard
- Jonas Larsson
- Joshua M. Hare
- Jyotsna Dhawan
- Jörg Cammenga
- K. Sue O'Shea
- Kacey G. Marra
- Kang’s
- Kathy Traianedes
- Ken Chan
- Kent L. Erickson
- Lalita S. Limaye
- Law Ping
- Lawrence W.Stanton
- Lee Eng Hin
- Lee Eng Hin
- Lee Seng Teik
- Li Ke Wu
- Lim Sai Kiang
- Linzhao Cheng
- Lyle Armstrong
- M I T R A D A S P A N I C K E R
- Mahendra Rao
- Majlinda Lako
- Mark W. Russell
- Mark Zern
- Markus Stoffel
- Mary Herbert
- Michaela Frye
- Mitchell S. Cairo
- Nadia Rosenthal
- Ng Soon Chye
- Nibedita Lenka
- NIH Stem Cell Program Staff
- NIH Stem Cell Unit Steering Committee Members
- Ole Didrik Laerum
- Olle Lindvall
- paul H. krebsbach
- Paul Robson
- Peter Andrews
- Peter Droge
- Peter Mombaerts
- peter x. ma
- Philip R. Streeter
- Ralph Green
- Randall McKinnon
- Ray Dunn
- Rebecca Morris
- Richard E. Champlin
- Richard M. Mortensen
- Richard Nowakowski
- Rick Cohen
- Robert Lanza
- Robert Zweigerdt
- Ron Emeson
- Ronald D.G. McKay
- Ronald Hart
- S. Laurance Johnston
- S.S. Agarwal
- Sally Lowell
- Samuel Tay Sim Wah
- Satish Totey
- Scottish Stem Cell Network - Board of Directors
- Sean J. Morrison
- Seok Hyun Kim
- Sergio Giralt
- Silviu Itescu
- Simon Cool
- Simon Tomlinson
- Sohail Ahmed
- Stefan Jovinge
- Stefan Karlsson
- Stefan Scheding
- Sten Eirik W. Jacobsen
- Stephen Minger
- Steve Oh
- Story C. Landis
- Susie Nilsson
- Swiss Stem cell Network Members
- The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Cente – stem cell faculty
- Thomas Lufkin
- UCLA - stem cell people
- University of California, Ivery – stem cell Researchers
- University of California, Riverside - stem cell faculty
- University of California, San Francisco – hESC center faculty
- University of Edinburgh – stem cell Researchers
- University of Minnesota - stem cell faculty
- University of New South Wales - stem cell Researchers
- University of Pittsburgh – SCRC Researchers
- University of Wisconsin – stem cell faculty
- V. Mohan
- Vaijayanti P. Kale
- Victor Nurcombe
- Wang Shu
- Wang Xiaojuan
- William H. Fleming
- William Hwang Ying Khee
- Winston Shim
- Wong Meng Cheong
- Xiao Zhi Cheng
- Xiaolong Fan
- Young Min Choi
- Yuri Kotolevstev
National and International Bioethical Bodies
- American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
- Australian Health Ethics Committee
- Austrian Bioethics Commission
- Bioethics Advisory Committee (BAC)
- Bioethics Appeals Commission
- Central Ethics Committee
- Christian Cultural Centre, Centers for Bioethics
- CNE - Commission Nationale d'Ethique
- Comision Nacional de Bioéticas
- Comitato nazionale per la bioetica
- Committee of Medical Ethics of the Polish
- Conselho Nacional de Ética par as Ciencias da Vida
- Council for Science and Technology
- Council of Europe
- Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment (CeBRA)
- European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
- FECCIS - Forum for Ethics Committees in the Commonwealth of Independent States
- Finnish National Advisory Board on Biotechnology
- Forskningsetiske komiteer
- France National Consultative Ethics Committee for Health and Life Sciences (CCNE)
- Fundacion Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)
- German National Ethics Council
- Greek National Bioethics commission
- Health Council Netherlands
- ICMR Bioethics
- International Bioethics Committee (IBC)
- Latvian Central Medical Ethics Committee
- Le Comité consultatif de Bioéthique de Belgique
- Lithuanian Bioethics Committee
- Ministry of Health, the Elderly and Community Care
- National Bioethics Committee
- National Ethics Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction (NECAHR)
- National Science Council
- Nordic Committee on Bioethics
- Norwegian National Committee for Medical Research Ethics
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics
- Scottish Council on Human Bioethics
- Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics (SMER)
- Swiss Ethics Committee on Non-human Gene Technology
- Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics
- The Belgian Bio-ethical Committee
- The Estonian Genome Foundation
- The Irish Council for Bioethics
- The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- The Korean Bioethics Association
- The President's Council on Bioethics
- University Centre for Bioethics
Study and work opportunities (MS, PhD, PostDoc)
- Australian Stem Cell Centre
- Baylor Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Center
- Berkeley Stem Cell Center
- Black Family Stem Cell Institute
- Korea Stem Cell Research Centre
- Lund Stem Cell Center
- Miami Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute
- Michigan Center for hES Cell Research
- Midwest Institute for Comparative Stem Cell Biology
- New York Stem Cell Foundation
- NIH Stem cell centre
- North East England Stem Cell Institute
- Norwegian Stem Cell Center
- Oregon Stem Cell Center
- Rutgers Stem Cell Research Center
- Sheffield Centre for Stem Cell Biology
- Singapore Stem cell Research Centre
- SNU Adult Stem Cell Research Center
- Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
- Stem Cell Department Royan Institute
- Stem Cell Institute Leuven
- Texas Stem Cell Center
- The Harvard Stem Cell Institute
- The Jackson Laboratory
- UC Davis Center for Regenerative Science and Therapies
- UC Irvine Stem Cell Research Center
- UCLA Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Medicine
- UCRiverside stem cell centre
- UCSF human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Centre
- University of Cambridge Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research
- University of Edinburgh Institute for StemCell Research
- University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute
- University of Texas M. D. Anderson Stem Cell Transplantation & Cellular Therapy centre
- UW stem cell and regenerative medicine center
- WiCell Research Institute