
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mol. Biol. Cell MBC In Press for 27 Feb 2008

Molecular Biology of the Cell

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Mol. Biol. Cell Online MBC In Press Alert

New Molecular Biology of the Cell MBC In Press articles have been made available
(for the period 20 Feb 2008 to 27 Feb 2008):

The Nup358-RanGAP Complex is Required for Efficient Importin {alpha}/{beta}-dependent Nuclear Import
Saskia Hutten, Annette Flotho, Frauke Melchior, and Ralph H. Kehlenbach
Mol. Biol. Cell published 27 February 2008, 10.1091/mbc.E07-12-1279

Genome-wide Expression Profiling, in vivo DNA Binding Analysis and Probabilistic Motif Prediction Reveal Novel Abf1 Target Genes during Fermentation, Respiration and Sporulation in Yeast
Ulrich Schlecht, Ionas Erb, Philippe Demougin, Nicolas Robine, Valérie Borde, Erik van Nimwegen, Alain Nicolas, and Michael Primig
Mol. Biol. Cell published 27 February 2008, 10.1091/mbc.E07-12-1242

Multiplexed Dendritic Targeting of {alpha}CaMKII, NG and ARC RNAs by the A2 Pathway
Yuanzheng Gao, Vedakumar Tatavarty, George Korza, Mikhail K. Levin, and John H. Carson
Mol. Biol. Cell published 27 February 2008, 10.1091/mbc.E07-09-0914

Stathmin Activity Influences Sarcoma Cell Shape, Motility, and Metastatic Potential
Barbara Belletti, Milena S. Nicoloso, Monica Schiappacassi, Stefania Berton, Francesca Lovat, Katarina Wolf, Vincenzo Canzonieri, Sara D’Andrea, Antonella Zucchetto, Peter Friedl, Alfonso Colombatti, and Gustavo Baldassarre
Mol. Biol. Cell published 27 February 2008, 10.1091/mbc.E07-09-0894

Regulation and Targeting of the Fission Yeast Formin cdc12p in Cytokinesis
Ann Yonetani, Raymond J. Lustig, James B. Moseley, Tetsuya Takeda, Bruce L. Goode, and Fred Chang
Mol. Biol. Cell published 27 February 2008, 10.1091/mbc.E07-07-0731

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