February 2008 Volume 41 Number 4, pp 321 - 412
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Physical exercise as adjuvant therapy for patients undergoing
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
J Wiskemann and G Huber
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0BonS0EX
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0BonT0EY
AMD3100 plus G-CSF can successfully mobilize CD34+ cells from
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and multiple myeloma
patients previously failing mobilization with chemotherapy and/or
cytokine treatment: compassionate use data
G Calandra, J McCarty, J McGuirk, G Tricot, S-A Crocker, K Badel, B
Grove, A Dye and G Bridger
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0BonU0EZ
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0BonV0Ea
Incidence of bacteremias and invasive mycoses in children undergoing
allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a single center
E Castagnola, F Bagnasco, M Faraci, I Caviglia, S Caruso, B Cappelli,
C Moroni, G Morreale, A Timitilli, G Tripodi, E Lanino and R Haupt
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0BonW0Eb
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0BonX0Ec
Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in Hurler's
syndrome using a reduced intensity preparative regimen
M D Hansen, A H Filipovich, S M Davies, P Mehta, J Bleesing, S Jodele,
R Hayashi, Y Barnes and S Shenoy
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0BonY0Ed
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0BonZ0Ee
Ibritumomab tiuxetan (Zevalin) combined with reduced-intensity
conditioning and allogeneic stem-cell transplantation (SCT) in
patients with chemorefractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
A Shimoni, S T Zwas, Y Oksman, I Hardan, N Shem-Tov, A Rand, R
Yerushalmi, A Avigdor, I Ben-Bassat and A Nagler
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bona0El
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonb0Em
A prospective study of BK-virus-associated haemorrhagic cystitis in
paediatric patients undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell
S Cesaro, C Facchin, G Tridello, C Messina, E Calore, M A Biasolo, M
Pillon, S Varotto, A Brugiolo, C Mengoli and G Palu
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonc0En
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bond0Eo
Preemptive therapy with ganciclovir 5[thinsp]mg/kg once daily for
cytomegalovirus infection after unrelated cord blood transplantation
A Tomonari, S Takahashi, J Ooi, N Tsukada, T Konuma, T Kobayashi, K
Takasugi, T Iseki, A Tojo and S Asano
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bone0Ep
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonf0Eq
Serotherapy with thymoglobulin and alemtuzumab differentially
influences frequency and function of natural killer cells after
allogeneic stem cell transplantation
O Penack, L Fischer, A Stroux, C Gentilini, A Nogai, A Muessig, K
Rieger, S Ganepola, W Herr, R G Meyer, E Thiel and L Uharek
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bong0Er
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonh0Es
Vancomycin-resistant enterococcal colonization appears associated with
increased mortality among allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
transplant recipients
A Zirakzadeh, D A Gastineau, J N Mandrekar, J P Burke, P B Johnston
and R Patel
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Boni0Et
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonj0Eu
High prevalence of early-onset osteopenia/osteoporosis after
allogeneic stem cell transplantation and improvement after
bisphosphonate therapy
S Yao, P L McCarthy, L M Dunford, D M Roy, K Brown, P Paplham, M Syta,
D Lamonica, S Smiley, M Battiwalla, S Padmanabhan and T Hahn
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonk0Ev
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonl0Ew
Risk factors for acute graft-versus-host disease grades II-IV after
reduced intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation
with unrelated donors[mdash]a single centre study
M Remberger, J Mattsson, Z Hassan, N Karlsson, K LeBlanc, B Omazic, M
Okas, D Sairafi and O Ringden
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonm0Ex
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/ejQo0Xztnp0Hhn0Bonn0Ey
The introduction of a holistic massage service in a combined
paediatric and adult BMT unit
E Davies, S Campbell, A Fullwood, J Hulbert and D I Marks
Daclizumab has poor efficacy in steroid-refractory severe acute
graft-versus-host disease: a single centre experience with 12
allograft patients
C H Hui, H Sia, H Mangos, N Horvath, H Lee, I Lewis, T Hughes, L B To
and P Bardy
Successful outcome of a disseminated adenovirus infection 6 years
after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
L Willems, M Lagrange-Xelot, S Gallien, M Robin, C Scieux, G Socie and
J M Molina
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