
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Friday, November 9, 2007

[StemCells] Diabetes Think Tank Teleconference

World Think Tank on Type 1 Diabetes Meets in Miami
Posted : Tue, 06 Nov 2007 15:22:11 GMT
Author : TrialNet

BETHESDA, Md., Nov. 6 /PRNewswire/ --
WHAT: On World Diabetes Day, November 14, leaders in type 1
diabetes research will present their findings to the media via
teleconference. These scientists represent two international
groups of type 1 diabetes researchers meeting in Miami
during the
week of November 14 to share their latest findings and plan

WHEN: November 14, 2007, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. (EST)
Four experts will make 15-minute presentations, followed by
a 30-
minute Q&A.

WHY: This media teleconference presents an outstanding
opportunity for
you to get an update on exciting type 1 diabetes research
advances, as you put together stories for your readers
American Diabetes Month in November.

-- Type 1 diabetes is increasing every year, reaching epidemic
proportions in some countries, with the greatest increase in
children under age 5. In response to this phenomenon,
researchers across the globe have been working to advance
study, prevention and treatment of type 1 diabetes. As a
the way we detect and treat diabetes is dramatically
changing. A
simple blood test can now identify the autoantibodies for
type 1
diabetes up to 10 years before diagnosis.

-- If diabetes can be delayed, even for a few years, those at
may be able to postpone the difficult challenges of
their glucose levels and the development of serious
The serious complications of diabetes include heart disease,
stroke, blindness, kidney damage and lower-limb amputations.


Advances in the Prevention and Reversal of Type 1 Diabetes
Jay Skyler, MD, MACP, University of Miami

Chairman of Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet and Professor at the
internationally renowned University of Miami's Diabetes Metabolic
Unit, Dr. Skyler will give an overview of the current advances and
planned research efforts toward finding ways to prevent and reverse
type 1 diabetes.
Nasal Insulin and Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes
Olli Simell, MD, PhD, University of Turku, Finland

Physician, researcher, and instructor of international stature, Dr.
Simmel will provide an overview of a study testing nasal insulin to
prevent type 1 diabetes in children in Finland. Finland has the
highest incidence of type 1 diabetes in the world.
Adult Stem Cells and Reversal of Type 1 Diabetes
Massimo Trucco, MD, University of Pittsburgh

Hillman Professor of Pediatric Immunology and Division Director of
Immunogenetics at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Dr. Trucco will
provide an update on the use of adult stem cells in the reversal of
type 1 diabetes. He will also talk about the critical immunologic
steps that lead to autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes and the use of
this information to prevent and possibly cure type 1 diabetes.
Umbilical Cord Infusion to Reduce Type 1 Severity and Reset Immunity
Michael Haller, MD, University of Florida College of Medicine,

Dr. Haller, an innovative and proficient researcher of diabetes in
children, will share how cord blood is being tested to treat type 1
diabetes in children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Preliminary results show that it appears to reduce disease severity,
possibly re-setting the immune system and slowing the destruction of
their insulin-producing cells.
The Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group

This group of type 1 diabetes experts will meet November 12-14 to
discuss current and planned research around type 1 diabetes.
Researchers at more than 150 medical centers in the U.S., Canada,
Europe and Australia have joined this global network dedicated to
study the prevention, early detection and treatment of type 1
diabetes. These centers are offering free screenings for relatives of
people with type 1 diabetes, as well as clinical trials in
prevention, early detection and early onset. Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet
is supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Juvenile
Diabetes Research Foundation International, and the American Diabetes
Association. To learn more about Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet, visit
The 9th International Congress of the Immunology of Diabetes Society
(IDS) and American Diabetes Association (ADA) Research Symposium
International researchers will meet November 14-18 to discuss the
latest science and theories in type 1 diabetes research. IDS is an
international collaboration created to advance research in the
etiology, pathogenesis, prevention and cure of type 1 diabetes. A key
area of focus is clinical trials to alter the type 1 diabetes disease
process, eventually leading to prevention of this disease. ADA's
mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of
all people affected by diabetes.

Please contact:
Sarah Bakka

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Children's Neurobiological Solutions

Cord Blood Registry

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