October 10, 2007
Dear CAMR Members,
We have learned that the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Act for FY '08 (Labor H) is expected to be considered on the Senate floor next week. As many of you already know, this bill contains the "date change" stem cell provision that would provide Federal funding for research on embryonic stem cell lines created before June 2007.
We strongly support this provision and are hopeful that the bill will pass with this language. We are, of course, on the look-out for any efforts from the opposition to strike the provision or offer other harmful amendments. We will keep you posted as we learn more.
In the meantime, please consider urging your membership to contact their Senators to support the stem cell provision in the Labor H bill and to oppose anti-stem cell and anti-research amendments.
Sean Tipton
Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research
Director, Public Affairs
American Society for Reproductive Medicine
202-421-5112 (mobile)

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