
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Friday, August 24, 2007


All cord blood samples are processed in a Stem Sciences Inc. dedicated Cord Blood Processing Facility, where we use the most modern stem cell archiving technology available. Developed by Thermogenesis Inc. in collaboration with the world famous New York Blood Center, Stem Sciences Inc. is the first Canadian organization to acquire the BioArchive® system that provides unparalleled technical and sample safety advantages over all other Cryo-archiving solutions. The BioArchive® is critical enabling technology for cellular therapies of the future. Under ideal conditions, as much as 150 ml of cord blood can be collected and processed. In general however, lower volumes are often collected. There is no hard and fast rule to determine what the minimum volume of cord blood that one can store should be. With the possibility of propagating these cells in laboratory culture, we feel that volumes lower than the generally accepted minimum of 40 mls may also yield significant numbers of cells and should be stored. You will be informed of the volume of blood that we receive from your child and should you not wish to store it, we will dispose of the sample in an appropriate manner.

Any Comments ?.......


World Time