
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Friday, August 24, 2007


ReNeuron is a leading, UK-based adult stem cell therapy business. It is applying its novel stem cell platform technologies in the development of ground-breaking stem cell therapies to serve significant and unmet or poorly-met clinical needs. ReNeuron has used its c-mycERTAM technology to generate genetically stable neural stem cell lines. This technology platform has multi-national patent protection and is fully regulated by means of a chemically-induced safety switch. Cell growth can therefore be completely arrested prior to in vivo implantation.

ReNeuron's approach to stem cell therapy

Stem cells can be derived from human tissues at any stage of development, from the early embryo to the adult. Early human embryonic stem cells (or 'hES' cells) are capable of forming cells from any tissues. However, the cells are likely to form tumours when transplanted. As the tissues develop through the fetal and adult stages, the resident stem cell populations have a progressively diminished developmental potential and lose their inherent tumour- forming capacity, becoming somatic stem cells, also known as lineage- or tissue-restricted stem cells. Somatic stem cells are therefore likely to be the safest type for use in cell therapy treatments. ReNeuron has built its technology platform around human somatic stem cells derived from the fetus, which we believe offer the most viable route to the clinic for stem cell therapy. The principal factors supporting this somatic stem cell approach can be characterized as follows:

1. Multipotency: somatic stem cells are able to differentiate into the specific cell types found in the organ from which they originated, removing the need for the cell manipulation or sorting when using hES cells

2. Quality: somatic stem cells from the fetus are free from adventitious virus contamination

3. Safety: somatic stem cells can be controlled more readily than hES cells once implanted, removing the possible risk of tumours

The power of ReNeuron's platform stem cell technology is that it can be applied to any somatic stem cell, whether the starting material is derived from the embryo, fetus or adult.

ReNeuron Group plc Head Office and Laboratories

10 Nugent Rd
Surrey Research Park
Guildford, Surrey

Telephone: +44 (0)1483 302560
Fax: +44 (0)1483 534864


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