
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Latest PhD Studentships - 9 February 2010

Welcome to the FindAPhD weekly Newsletter. Listed below are the latest research projects to be advertised on

University of York
High Throughput Technique for Screening Archaeal Tetraether Lipid Cores in Sediments as Probes of Palaeo Surface-water Temperature

University of Manchester
Prison environment – health and wellbeing

Cranfield University
PhD studentship - End-to-end integrated vehicle health management system

University of Bath
PhD in Atmospheric Physics: Wave Dynamics of the Stratosphere & Mesosphere

Cardiff University
Integrated Brain Imaging and Stimulation Project (IBIS)

University of Leeds
Managing Peatlands as Carbon Stores

University of Oxford
Dphil Studentship in Archaeological Science

University of Birmingham
A systematic investigation of observation and imagery strategies as interventions to improve movement capabilities of children with developmental dyspraxia

University of East Anglia
Conservation, ecology and genetics of the Cape Verde warbler

University of East Anglia
Evolution and diversification of ants

University of Reading
Predictive and structural approaches for the identification and characterisation of novel mouse models of human disease generated by ENU mutagenesis.

University of Southampton
Investigating the role of membranes on protein aggregation and neurotoxicity of the huntingtin protein.

University of Southampton
Investigating novel genes in poplar for cell wall disassembly and bioethanol production

University of Southampton
Generating enzymes for detecting methylcytosine

King's College London
Specification of ear progenitor cells

Many more projects have been added this week! Click here to view them all!

Kind regards,

The Team

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