
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Monday, July 13, 2009

Latest PhD Studentships - 14 July 2009

Welcome to the FindAPhD weekly Newsletter. Listed below are the latest research projects to be advertised on

National University of Ireland, Galway
PhD Research Studentship in the Applied optics group, NUI, Galway

King's College London
Coherence-based reasoning in medical diagnosis

University of Limerick
Computational Modelling of Polymer Nanocomposites

Imperial College London
PhD Studentship in MRI Guided Endoscopy

University of York
Free radicals in phenylene diamine oxidation

University of Worcester
Religion, Politics and Print Culture in England, 1660-1725

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Parasite lipoproteins/ glycolipids as drivers of parasite immunopathogenesis and as novel vaccine adjuvants (Case award with Pfizer)

The School of Pharmacy, University of London
School of Pharmacy studentship in antibacterial drug interactions: Characterisation of the Anti-Staphylococcal Activity of Synthetic Catechin Gallates

University of Cambridge
MRS Funded PhD Studentship in Molecular Imaging of Stem cell-mediated CNS Regeneration

Durham University
Joint PhD in Anthropology & Archaeology: Quantifying palaeopathology: developing objective geometric morphometric methods for recording pathological conditions in human skeletal remains

Durham University
PhD in Anthropology: How has ''Family History'' changed families, relationships and kinship networks?

Durham University
Joint PhD in Anthropology & Geography: The construction and experience of the 'at risk' individual: implementation of the national vascular screening programme in a multiethnic general practice

Durham University
PhD in Anthropology (in collaboration with Psychology) Towards an understanding of cumulative culture: A developmental and comparative perspective

Cranfield University
EngD studentship - Understanding the impact of climate change on water utility above-ground infrastructure

Cranfield University
MSc by Research – Re-Mineralisation of Water from a Desalination Plant

Many more projects have been added this week! Click here to view them all!

Kind regards,

The Team

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