
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Monday, June 29, 2009

ScienceDirect Alert: Cell, Vol. 137, Iss. 7, 2009


New Volume/Issue is now available on ScienceDirect

Volume 137, Issue 7,  Pages 1161-1358 (26 June 2009)

  Leading Edge
 1. In This Issue
Pages 1161, 1163
 2. Developmental Biology Select
Pages 1165, 1167
 3. Seeing Green in Conference Season
Pages 1169-1171
Lila Guterman
 4. Common Ancestry of the CENP-A Chaperones Scm3 and HJURP
Pages 1173-1174
Luis Sanchez-Pulido, Alison L. Pidoux, Chris P. Ponting, Robin C. Allshire
  Book Review
 5. Glycobiology: Moving into the Mainstream
Pages 1175-1176
Raymond A. Dwek
 6. GABA Keeps Up an Appetite for Life
Pages 1177-1179
Marcelo O. Dietrich, Tamas L. Horvath
 7. Ironing Out a Midlife Crisis
Pages 1179-1181
Sandra Viviana Vergara, Dennis J. Thiele
 8. The Juxtamembrane Region of EGFR Takes Center Stage
Pages 1181-1183
Stevan R. Hubbard
 9. Closing in on Mechanisms of Tissue Morphogenesis
Pages 1183-1185
Matteo Rauzi, Thomas Lecuit
 10. Fly Stem Cell Research Gets Infectious
Pages 1185-1187
Ryan Conder, Juergen A. Knoblich
 11. Plant Asymmetric Cell Division, Vive la Différence!
Pages 1189-1192
Frank L.H. Menke, Ben Scheres
 12. CTCF: Master Weaver of the Genome
Pages 1194-1211
Jennifer E. Phillips, Victor G. Corces
 13. Structure of N-Terminal Domain of NPC1 Reveals Distinct Subdomains for Binding and Transfer of Cholesterol
Pages 1213-1224
Hyock Joo Kwon, Lina Abi-Mosleh, Michael L. Wang, Johann Deisenhofer, Joseph L. Goldstein, Michael S. Brown, Rodney E. Infante
 14. Loss of GABAergic Signaling by AgRP Neurons to the Parabrachial Nucleus Leads to Starvation
Pages 1225-1234
Qi Wu, Maureen P. Boyle, Richard D. Palmiter
 15. Abnormal Behavior in a Chromosome- Engineered Mouse Model for Human 15q11-13 Duplication Seen in Autism
Pages 1235-1246
Jin Nakatani, Kota Tamada, Fumiyuki Hatanaka, Satoko Ise, Hisashi Ohta, Kiyoshi Inoue, Shozo Tomonaga, Yasuhito Watanabe, Yeun Jun Chung, Ruby Banerjee, Kazuya Iwamoto, Tadafumi Kato, Makoto Okazawa, Kenta Yamauchi, Koichi Tanda, Keizo Takao, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Allan Bradley, Toru Takumi
 16. Mitochondrial Dysfunction Leads to Nuclear Genome Instability via an Iron-Sulfur Cluster Defect
Pages 1247-1258
Joshua R. Veatch, Michael A. McMurray, Zara W. Nelson, Daniel E. Gottschling
 17. Genomic Antagonism between Retinoic Acid and Estrogen Signaling in Breast Cancer
Pages 1259-1271
Sujun Hua, Ralf Kittler, Kevin P. White
 18. A Synthetic Genetic Edge Detection Program
Pages 1272-1281
Jeffrey J. Tabor, Howard M. Salis, Zachary Booth Simpson, Aaron A. Chevalier, Anselm Levskaya, Edward M. Marcotte, Christopher A. Voigt, Andrew D. Ellington
 19. X-Ray Structures of the Hexameric Building Block of the HIV Capsid
Pages 1282-1292
Owen Pornillos, Barbie K. Ganser-Pornillos, Brian N. Kelly, Yuanzi Hua, Frank G. Whitby, C. David Stout, Wesley I. Sundquist, Christopher P. Hill, Mark Yeager
 20. Mechanism for Activation of the EGF Receptor Catalytic Domain by the Juxtamembrane Segment
Pages 1293-1307
Natalia Jura, Nicholas F. Endres, Kate Engel, Sebastian Deindl, Rahul Das, Meindert H. Lamers, David E. Wemmer, Xuewu Zhang, John Kuriyan
 21. Exocytosis of Post-Golgi Vesicles Is Regulated by Components of the Endocytic Machinery
Pages 1308-1319
Jyoti K. Jaiswal, Victor M. Rivera, Sanford M. Simon
 22. BASL Controls Asymmetric Cell Division in Arabidopsis
Pages 1320-1330
Juan Dong, Cora A. MacAlister, Dominique C. Bergmann
 23. Pulsed Forces Timed by a Ratchet-like Mechanism Drive Directed Tissue Movement during Dorsal Closure
Pages 1331-1342
Jerome Solon, Aynur Kaya-Çopur, Julien Colombelli, Damian Brunner
 24. Cytokine/Jak/Stat Signaling Mediates Regeneration and Homeostasis in the Drosophila Midgut
Pages 1343-1355
Huaqi Jiang, Parthive H. Patel, Alexander Kohlmaier, Marc O. Grenley, Donald G. McEwen, Bruce A. Edgar
 25. Parkinson's Disease Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Free of Viral Reprogramming Factors
Page 1356
Frank Soldner, Dirk Hockemeyer, Caroline Beard, Qing Gao, George W. Bell, Elizabeth G. Cook, Gunnar Hargus, Alexandra Blak, Oliver Cooper, Maisam Mitalipova, Ole Isacson, Rudolf Jaenisch
 26. SnapShot: F Box Proteins II
Pages 1358.e1-1358.e2
Jeffrey R. Skaar, Vincenzo D'Angiolella, Julia K. Pagan, Michele Pagano

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