
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Friday, April 3, 2009

ScienceDirect Alert: Cell Stem Cell, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, 2009


New Volume/Issue is now available on ScienceDirect
Cell Stem CellCell Stem Cell

Volume 4, Issue 4,  Pages 277-370 (3 April 2009)

 1. Editors' Notes
Page xvii
 2. Cardiovascular Regeneration: Pushing and Pulling on Progenitors
Pages 277-278
Matthew L. Steinhauser, Richard T. Lee
 3. Recreating Stem Cells: A Novel Entrance to the Fountain of Youth
Pages 279-280
Hein te Riele
 4. Fishing for a WNT-PGE2 Link: β-Catenin Is Caught in the Stem Cell Net-work
Pages 280-282
Todd Evans
 5. One Flew over the Progenitor's Nest: Migratory Cells Find a Home in Osteoarthritic Cartilage
Pages 282-284
Ilyas M. Khan, Rebecca Williams, Charles W. Archer
 6. The Challenge of Regulating Rapidly Changing Science: Stem Cell Legislation in Canada
Pages 285-288
Peter J. Rugg-Gunn, Ubaka Ogbogu, Janet Rossant, Timothy Caulfield
 7. Genetic Control of Wayward Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Progeny after Transplantation
Pages 289-300
Maija Kiuru, Julie L. Boyer, Timothy P. O'Connor, Ronald G. Crystal
 8. Molecules that Promote or Enhance Reprogramming of Somatic Cells to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Pages 301-312
Bo Feng, Jia-Hui Ng, Jian-Chien Dominic Heng, Huck-Hui Ng
 9. Synergy between CD26/DPP-IV Inhibition and G-CSF Improves Cardiac Function after Acute Myocardial Infarction
Pages 313-323
Marc-Michael Zaruba, Hans Diogenes Theiss, Markus Vallaster, Ursula Mehl, Stefan Brunner, Robert David, Rebekka Fischer, Lisa Krieg, Eva Hirsch, Bruno Huber, Petra Nathan, Lars Israel, Axel Imhof, Nadja Herbach, Gerald Assmann, Ruediger Wanke, Josef Mueller-Hoecker, Gerhard Steinbeck, Wolfgang-Michael Franz
 10. Migratory Chondrogenic Progenitor Cells from Repair Tissue during the Later Stages of Human Osteoarthritis
Pages 324-335
Sebastian Koelling, Jenny Kruegel, Malte Irmer, Jan Ragnar Path, Boguslawa Sadowski, Xavier Miro, Nicolai Miosge
 11. Mouse Fibroblasts Lacking RB1 Function Form Spheres and Undergo Reprogramming to a Cancer Stem Cell Phenotype
Pages 336-347
Yongqing Liu, Brian Clem, Ewa K. Zuba-Surma, Shahenda El-Naggar, Sucheta Telang, Alfred B. Jenson, Yali Wang, Hui Shao, Mariusz Z. Ratajczak, Jason Chesney, Douglas C. Dean
 12. Small Molecules Efficiently Direct Endodermal Differentiation of Mouse and Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Pages 348-358
Malgorzata Borowiak, René Maehr, Shuibing Chen, Alice E. Chen, Weiping Tang, Julia L. Fox, Stuart L. Schreiber, Douglas A. Melton
 13. Histone Deacetylase Inhibition Elicits an Evolutionarily Conserved Self-Renewal Program in Embryonic Stem Cells
Pages 359-369
Carol B. Ware, Linlin Wang, Brigham H. Mecham, Lanlan Shen, Angelique M. Nelson, Merav Bar, Deepak A. Lamba, Derek S. Dauphin, Brian Buckingham, Bardia Askari, Raymond Lim, Muneesh Tewari, Stanley M. Gartler, Jean-Pierre Issa, Paul Pavlidis, Zhijun Duan, C. Anthony Blau
 14. Generation of Rat and Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Combining Genetic Reprogramming and Chemical Inhibitors
Page 370
Wenlin Li, Wei Wei, Saiyong Zhu, Jinliang Zhu, Yan Shi, Tongxiang Lin, Ergeng Hao, Alberto Hayek, Hongkui Deng, Sheng Ding

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