
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Monday, March 23, 2009

Latest PhD Studentships - 24 March 2009

Welcome to the FindAPhD weekly Newsletter. Listed below are the latest research projects to be advertised on

University of Manchester
Exploring the functional roles of calcium-activated chloride channels (CaCCs) in smooth muscle tone in the vasculature.

University of Manchester
Structure and function studies of the vascular ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel.

University of Southampton
Sonotweezers: Ultrasonic System Development for Particle Manipulator

University of Southampton
Aircraft Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics

University of Southampton
Wind turbine aerodynamics

University of Southampton
Wall turbulence modelling for hydrodynamic drag reduction

University of Southampton
Hydrodynamic Drag Reduction

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Epidemiology of Adult Illness and Mortality in Malawi: a Hospital-based Surveillance System

University of Bath
Marine Renewable Energy

University of Aberdeen
PhD Studentship: The Role of Dietary Zinc Deficiency in the Development of Cardiovascular Disease

King's College London - Dental Institute
PhD Studentship: Educational Research in E-learning

University of Kent
Mathematical Physics PhD: Quantum integrability and differential equations

University of Oxford
WISS: Why is silk spun? Integrating bio-rheology with advanced spectroscopic techniques

Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Structural studies of the spliceosome

University of Sussex
PhD/DPhil studentship on Contaminated Land Investigation.

Many more projects have been added this week! Click here to view them all!

Kind regards,

The Team

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