
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Monday, November 10, 2008

Latest PhD Studentships - 11 November 2008

Welcome to the FindAPhD weekly Newsletter. Listed below are the latest research projects to be advertised on

University of Aberdeen
Energy balance and nutrient partitioning in the modern broiler chicken

University of Aberdeen
Community assembly rules for ectomycorrhizal fungi

University of Aberdeen
Individual phenotype, life-history and population structure in starlings

University of Aberdeen
Carrying capacity revisited: high-arctic goose breeding behaviour and the manipulation of the local food resource

University of Aberdeen
Impacts of bioenergy cropping in Europe

University of Aberdeen
Climate sensitivity of organic soil greenhouse gas fluxes

University of Aberdeen
Role of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) in body mass regulation and glucose homeostasis

University of Aberdeen
Managing upland grazing to tackle climate change

University of Aberdeen
Influence of Pathogens on the Distribution of Vaccinium Species in Pinewood Ecosystems

University of Aberdeen
Analysing Rho-family GTPase regulation of the Drosophila cellular immune response

University of Aberdeen
Do sex-differences in foraging area explain the link between ocean climate change and survival in the Northern Fulmar?

University of Aberdeen
Nitrate assimilatory gene evolution in mycorrhizal fungi

University of Aberdeen
Extinctions of symbiotic fungi in alpine and subarctic ecosystems

University of Aberdeen
Are animal movements the main factor that causes both transmission and maintenance of gastrointestinal pathogens in cattle and sheep?

University of Aberdeen
What have we bred?

Many more projects have been added this week! Click here to view them all!

Kind regards,

The Team

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