
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The EMBO Journal Table of Contents alert Volume 27 Issue 21

Make up your mind with Talking Points

There are often two sides to a story in scientific research, yet the
forum for debate can be limited. Outsiders who have developed their
own ideas or methods may have trouble publishing in journals that set
the tone for the field. EMBO reports hopes to open up debates in
difficult fields of research and on topics of social relevance with
its Talking Point articles. Find out more at

The EMBO Journal

Table of contents

Volume 27, Number 21 (05 November 2008)

In this issue...

EFC/F-BAR proteins and the N-WASP-WIP complex induce membrane
curvature-dependent actin polymerization

Actin polymerization plays an important role in controlling the shape
of cellular membranes. However, if the shape of membranes feeds back
to regulate actin polymerization is less clear. Here, Shiro Suetsugu
and coworkers report that membrane curvature regulates
N-WASP-WIP-complex-mediated actin polymerization.

Miz1 and HectH9 regulate the stability of the checkpoint protein,

Martin Eilers and colleagues describe a signalling pathway that
connects the transcriptional regulators Miz1 and Myc with the ATR
DNA-damage response pathway via the checkpoint protein TopBP1.

New EMBO Member's Review

Transient receptor potential channels meet phosphoinositides.

Bernd Nilius, Grzegorz Owsianik and Thomas Voets

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2809-2816
Published online: 16 October 2008

EFC/F-BAR proteins and the N-WASP-WIP complex induce membrane
curvature-dependent actin polymerization.

Kazunari Takano, Kiminori Toyooka and Shiro Suetsugu

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2817-2828
Published online: 16 October 2008

Laminin and biomimetic extracellular elasticity enhance functional
differentiation in mammary epithelia.

Jordi Alcaraz, Ren Xu, Hidetoshi Mori, Celeste M Nelson, Rana Mroue,
Virginia A Spencer, Doug Brownfield, Derek C Radisky, Carlos
Bustamante and Mina J Bissell

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2829-2838
Published online: 9 October 2008

CTCF regulates cell cycle progression of alphabeta T cells in the

Helen Heath, Claudia Ribeiro de Almeida, Frank Sleutels, Gemma
Dingjan, Suzanne van de Nobelen, Iris Jonkers, Kam-Wing Ling, Joost
Gribnau, Rainer Renkawitz, Frank Grosveld, Rudi W Hendriks and Niels

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2839-2850
Published online: 16 October 2008

Miz1 and HectH9 regulate the stability of the checkpoint protein,

Steffi Herold, Andreas Hock, Barbara Herkert, Katrien Berns, Jasper
Mullenders, Roderick Beijersbergen, Rene Bernards and Martin Eilers

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2851-2861
Published online: 16 October 2008

Regulated association of misfolded endoplasmic reticulum lumenal
proteins with P58/DNAJc3.

Kseniya Petrova, Seiichi Oyadomari, Linda M Hendershot and David Ron

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2862-2872
Published online: 16 October 2008

Regulated release of ERdj3 from unfolded proteins by BiP.

Yi Jin, Walid Awad, Kseniya Petrova and Linda M Hendershot

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2873-2882
Published online: 16 October 2008

Human DNA polymerase iota protects cells against oxidative stress.

Tirzah Braz Petta, Satoshi Nakajima, Anastasia Zlatanou, Emmanuelle
Despras, Sophie Couve-Privat, Alexander Ishchenko, Alain Sarasin,
Akira Yasui and Patricia Kannouche

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2883-2895
Published online: 16 October 2008

Chromosome fragility at GAA tracts in yeast depends on repeat
orientation and requires mismatch repair.

Hyun-Min Kim, Vidhya Narayanan, Piotr A Mieczkowski, Thomas D Petes,
Maria M Krasilnikova, Sergei M Mirkin and Kirill S Lobachev

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2896-2906
Published online: 2 October 2008

Endocochlear potential depends on Cl- channels: mechanism underlying
deafness in Bartter syndrome IV.

Gesa Rickheit, Hannes Maier, Nicola Strenzke, Corina E Andreescu,
Chris I De Zeeuw, Adrian Muenscher, Anselm A Zdebik and Thomas J

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2907-2917
Published online: 2 October 2008

Structural basis of cargo membrane protein discrimination by the
human COPII coat machinery.

Joseph D Mancias and Jonathan Goldberg

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2918-2928
Published online: 9 October 2008

Structure and function of an RNase H domain at the heart of the

Vladimir Pena, Alexey Rozov, Patrizia Fabrizio, Reinhard L?n and
Markus C Wahl

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2929-2940
Published online: 9 October 2008

ATF6 modulates SREBP2-mediated lipogenesis.

Lingfang Zeng, Min Lu, Kazutoshi Mori, Shengzhan Luo, Amy S Lee, Yi
Zhu and John Y-J Shyy

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2941

Dissecting the role of Aurora A during spindle assembly.

Teresa Sardon, Isabel Peset, Boryana Petrova and Isabelle Vernos

The EMBO Journal (2008) 27, 21, 2942


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