June 2008 Volume 27 Number 25, pp 3501 - 3640
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Cell Death & Differentiation presents 'Biology of hypoxia-inducible
factors' at http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BviU0Ez
as the third special issue of 2008.
'Biology of hypoxia-inducible factors' features 10 review articles
focusing on the regulators and biological consequences of HIF
activation. To read the full selection of reviews from 'Biology of
Hypoxia-inducible factors', please visit the Special Issues online at
http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bugw0EW .
What is Oncogene Reviews?
Oncogene Reviews - an in-depth look into hot topics in cancer
Each year Oncogene publishes a series of review issues that take a
closer look into the most current research and advances that are
impacting the study of cancer.
Visit http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Hi30EZ
to read the latest articles from Oncogene Reviews!
Induction of genetic instability by gain-of-function p53 cancer
Y Xu
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqJ0Ex
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqK0Ey
Isolation of a distinct class of gain-of-function SHP-2 mutants with
oncogenic RAS-like transforming activity from solid tumors
D Miyamoto, M Miyamoto, A Takahashi, Y Yomogita, H Higashi, S Kondo
and M Hatakeyama
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqL0Ez
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqM0E1
Copine-I represses NF-[kappa]B transcription by endoproteolysis of p65
C S Ramsey, F Yeung, P B Stoddard, D Li, C E Creutz and M W Mayo
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqN0E2
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqO0E3
Reciprocal negative regulation between S100A7//psoriasin and
[beta]-catenin signaling plays an important role in tumor progression
of squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity
G Zhou, T-X Xie, M Zhao, S A Jasser, M N Younes, D Sano, J Lin, M E
Kupferman, A A Santillan, V Patel, J S Gutkind, A K EI-Naggar, E D
Emberley, P H Watson, S-I Matsuzawa, J C Reed and J N Myers
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqP0E4
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqQ0E5
Clinicopathological analysis of colorectal cancers with PIK3CA
mutations in Middle Eastern population
J Abubaker, P Bavi, S Al-Harbi, M Ibrahim, A K Siraj, N Al-Sanea, A
Abduljabbar, L H Ashari, S Alhomoud, F Al-Dayel, S Uddin and K S
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqR0E6
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqS0E7
Nuclear GSK-3[beta] inhibits the canonical Wnt signalling pathway in a
[beta]-catenin phosphorylation-independent manner
M Caspi, A Zilberberg, H Eldar-Finkelman and R Rosin-Arbesfeld
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqT0E8
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqU0EA
Unmasking of epigenetically silenced candidate tumor suppressor genes
by removal of methyl-CpG-binding domain proteins
L Lopez-Serra, E Ballestar, S Ropero, F Setien, L-M Billard, M F
Fraga, P Lopez-Nieva, M Alaminos, D Guerrero, R Dante and M Esteller
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqV0EB
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqW0EC
Endoglin expression in metastatic breast cancer cells enhances their
invasive phenotype
D Oxmann, J Held-Feindt, A M Stark, K Hattermann, T Yoneda and R
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqX0ED
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqY0EE
The antidiabetic drug metformin exerts an antitumoral effect in vitro
and in vivo through a decrease of cyclin D1 level
I Ben Sahra, K Laurent, A Loubat, S Giorgetti-Peraldi, P Colosetti, P
Auberger, J F Tanti, Y Le Marchand-Brustel and F Bost
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0BwqZ0EF
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqa0EM
Regulation of glioblastoma cell invasion by PKC[iota] and RhoB
R M Baldwin, D A E Parolin and I A J Lorimer
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqb0EN
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqc0EO
Src kinase potentiates androgen receptor transactivation function and
invasion of androgen-independent prostate cancer C4-2 cells
M Asim, I A Siddiqui, B B Hafeez, A Baniahmad and H Mukhtar
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqd0EP
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqe0EQ
Runx2-mediated activation of the Bax gene increases osteosarcoma cell
sensitivity to apoptosis
R A Eliseev, Y-F Dong, E Sampson, M J Zuscik, E M Schwarz, R J
O'Keefe, R N Rosier and M H Drissi
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqf0ER
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqg0ES
p21WAF1//CIP1 induction by 5-azacytosine nucleosides requires DNA
A Jiemjit, T E Fandy, H Carraway, K A Bailey, S Baylin, J G Herman and
S D Gore
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqh0ET
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqi0EU
Aberrant promoter methylation and tumor suppressive activity of the
DFNA5 gene in colorectal carcinoma
M S Kim, X Chang, K Yamashita, J K Nagpal, J H Baek, G Wu, B Trink, E
A Ratovitski, M Mori and D Sidransky
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqj0EV
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqk0EW
Genomic profiling identifies TITF1 as a lineage-specific oncogene
amplified in lung cancer
K A Kwei, Y H Kim, L Girard, J Kao, M Pacyna-Gengelbach, K Salari, J
Lee, Y-L Choi, M Sato, P Wang, T Hernandez-Boussard, A F Gazdar, I
Petersen, J D Minna and J R Pollack
Abstract: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwql0EX
Article: http://ealerts.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/elNM0Xztnp0Hjk0Bwqm0EY
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