
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Thursday, April 3, 2008

[StemCells] Fractures heal faster without marrow?

Fractures May Heal Better If Bone Marrow is Removed

Fractures can heal better and faster if the bone marrow is removed
from the broken bones that are to be united, a new study by Yale
University researchers has found.

April 3, 2008

The study led by Agnes Vignery has shown that ejecting some bone
marrow and using drugs to promote new bone growth can rapidly heal
weakened or broken bones.

For the study, researchers anaesthetised a group of rats and drilled
into the left thigh-bone of each rat before removing the marrow with
a syringe.

Few rats were also given daily doses of parathyroid hormone (PTH), a
drug that helps in bone growth.

The X-rays of the rats revealed that new bone had begun to grow in
the bone marrow cavity.

Though the new bone was short-lived in most rats, by the third week,
marrow reappeared and any new bone cells were reabsorbed to make

However among the rats treated with PTH, the new bone grew constantly
in the cavity and the marrow did not reappear.

Moreover, the de-marrowed thighbones of the rats receiving PTH were
stronger than other legs, and the legs of rats not treated with PTH.

Vignery said that their findings suggest that bone marrow usually
inhibits the formation of new bone, reports New Scientist magazine.

"At first glance this appears counter-intuitive since bone marrow
generates the stem cells that would usually help repair bones.
However, periosteum cells in the membrane that lines the outside of
bones also have regenerative powers," said Brendon Noble at the
University of Edinburgh, UK.

"Perhaps they are sufficient to take on the role," he added.

According to Warren Levy of Unigene Laboratories, in Fairfield, New
Jersey the technique can revolutionize the way patients are treated,
specifically with hip fractures.

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