
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

[StemCells] Cleaning hES

Scientists Find Way To Add Antibodies To Stem Cells
April 8, 2008

Boston (dbTechno) - Scientists in Singapore have come out and stated
that they have developed a new technique to clean embryonic stem
cells. This will allow them to be more effective when it comes to
replacing damaged cells and tissue.

In the journal Stem Cells, scientists in Singapore have managed to
find a way to kill residual stem cells in mice.

These residual stem cells have the ability to turn cancerous if they
do not work properly in the body and do what they are supposed to do
in terms of forming into the damaged cell or tissue.

Researchers stated that they were able to inject human embryonic stem
cells into the mice, allowing the creation of antibodies to begin.

These antibodies were them taken out and added to embryonic stem

Researchers took these new stem cells and put half in mice, while the
other half of the mice received stem cells which were not implanted
with the antibodies.

Researchers stated that the mice who received the stem cells which
were not implanted with the antibodies, were more likely to develop

Those mice who received stem cells with the antibodies were able to
avoid tumors.

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