
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Thursday, February 28, 2008

[StemCells] Self-SC transplants help new lung injuries

New acute lung injury study finds benefits of autologous cell
transplantation therapy
Science Centric
22 February 2008 | 17:45 GMT

A study published in this month's Anesthesiology highlights the
potential of cell-based therapies for the treatment of acute lung
injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This discovery
may represent a milestone in acute lung injury therapy, which is
based on removing and then reintroducing cells from the same

In contrast to more controversial stem cell transplantation, the new
technique employs a subject's own progenitor cells, which are present
in adults and are more restricted than stem cells in the type of
tissues they can subsequently form.

Chen-Fuh Lam, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues from the National Cheng
Kung University College of Medicine and Hospital in Taiwan, found
convincing evidence that autologous (meaning transferred from the
same individual) transplantation of cells that eventually form blood
vessel linings ¯ so-called endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) ¯ had
markedly positive effects on animals being treated for acute lung

'Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome continue
to be major causes of death in seriously ill patients,' said Dr
Lam. 'Despite advances in current medical therapeutics, the overall
mortality of acute lung injury remains as high as 40 percent, and
even people who survive may suffer from certain respiratory

Dr Lam further explained that several pharmacologic agents have been
examined in the management of acute lung injury over the past
decades, but few of them have met with much success.

In Dr Lam's study, EPCs, which are derived from circulating bone
marrow, were removed from a healthy animal and allowed to grow for
one week in a laboratory culture. These cells were then reintroduced
into the circulatory system of the same animal that had undergone
induced acute lung injury.

'Our results obtained from a rabbit model of acute lung injury showed
that transplantation of these premature EPCs significantly improved
the function of lung blood vessels, reduced the amount of water that
leaked into lungs, and decreased bleeding in the lungs.'

Dr Lam and colleagues also performed additional laboratory
experiments on the antioxidant capacity of premature human EPCs
compared to relatively more mature endothelial cells derived from
human umbilical cords. They found that certain helpful antioxidant
effects were greater in the premature EPCs than in the more mature
endothelial cells.

In a companion editorial, Ellen L. Burnham, M.D., of the University
of Colorado Health Sciences Centre, lauded Dr Lam's study and touted
its potential influence in this field of research.

'These findings suggest a potential mechanism whereby infusion of
premature EPCs acts to normalise the oxidative environment of the
injured lung and potentially lay the groundwork for adequate lung
repair and normalisation of cellular function.'

Both Dr Burnham and Dr Lam, however, emphasised that more animal
studies need to be performed before EPC transplantation for acute
lung injury can be considered safe for human subjects.

Again, Dr Burnham: 'Although cell-based therapies for lung injury are
still a faraway goal, studies such as this by Dr Lam and his
colleagues provide important information that will undoubtedly aid in
the development of novel therapies for acute lung injury and ARDS,'
she said.

While a number of animal studies have provided useful direction for
further research, it is important to note that animal studies are
considered basic science, and their findings do not always translate
to the complex physiological system of human beings.

Source: American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

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