
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Latest PhD Studentships!

Welcome to the FindAPhD weekly Newsletter. Listed below are the latest research projects to be advertised on

University of Glasgow
Factors Affecting the Accumulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Great Skuas

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Climate change, biodiversity and activity of actinobacteria in peatland ecosystems

King's College London
Characterization of inflammatory genes conferring susceptibility to psoriasis

University of Surrey
Phase Contrast Enhancement in Biomedical Imaging

University of Surrey
'Trapped Rainbow' Storage of Single Photons in Metamaterials

University of Surrey
Chiral symmetry in nuclear 3D rotation

Norwegian University of Science and Technology
PhD position in conceptual design of natural gas conversion processes.

University of Surrey
Nanostructured Interfaces and Self Assembly: Mimicking Nature

University of Strathclyde
Organic Semiconductor Optoelectronics

University of Strathclyde
Diamond Photonics

Cardiff University
Facing Decisions on HPV infection and prophylactic vaccination: Developing decision support for parents

University of Surrey
Extreme Structures in Light and Medium Mass Nuclei

Cardiff University
Exploring the process of consent for medical interventions

University of St Andrews
Effects of recent ocean warming on wild Atlantic salmon

Cardiff University
Statistical modelling of multilevel survey data

University of Surrey
Carbon Nanotube Photonics

Cranfield University
Understanding the fate and transport of organic micro-pollutants in soils receiving sewage sludge.

University of Birmingham
Mechanisms of antibody and complement-dependent immunity against nontyphoidal salmonella bacteraemia in Africa

University of Nottingham
Modelling the methionine/folate cycles within the ovarian follicle

University of Nottingham
Profiling Many more projects have been added this week! Click here to view them all!

Kind regards,

The Team

Thinking of a Masters degree instead? lists 1000s of Masters in all subjects!

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