Interested Persons' Meeting
November 16, 2007, 10:00am
Organized Pursuant To The
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
CIRM Grants Administration Policy for For-Profit Organizations
The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) will hold an interested persons' meeting to solicit public input relating to the above-named policy.
The mission of the CIRM is to foster and promote stem cell research with the aim of improving human health. A secondary goal is to advance the biotech industry in
The CIRM believes that commercial research organizations can make critical contributions towards accomplishing the Institute's mission and realizing the vision of Proposition 71. Increased interest by the commercial sector in stem cell-related research projects would encourage the successful translation of basic research discoveries into commercial products for public use.
To enable the participation of the commercial sector in CIRM-sponsored research initiatives, the CIRM is developing a Grants Administration Policy for For-Profit Organizations. This policy will serve as the general terms and conditions governing the selection, funding, monitoring and termination of CIRM grant awards to for-profit entities. The regulations that ensue from this policy statement will carry the force and effect of law, and by accepting a CIRM grant award, grantee organizations agree to comply with the provisions to be set forth in this policy statement for the entire project period of the grant, and beyond this project period for certain documents and reports. The proposed Grants Administration Policy is intended to be similar in form and scope to the CIRM Grants Administration Policy for Academic and Non-Profit Institutions. The CIRM expects that the policy statement for for-profit organizations will differ from the policy for non-profits in various aspects of administration, and has proposed certain amendments to the existing policy that specifically effect for-profit organizations.
The proposed amendments can be viewed at this URL: http://www.cirm.
The CIRM seeks input from for-profit entities and the public regarding these amendments as well as other operational considerations that uniquely impact the commercial sector.
Among the points to be discussed:
* Amendments to the CIRM Grants Administration Policy for Academic and Non-Profit Institutions as identified in the document listed above.
* Other points for consideration
The CIRM encourages attendees to provide input on these issues and to raise additional issues for consideration. Written comments may be sent in advance by email to
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Desk: 415-396-9119
FAX: 415-396-9141

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