
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mol. Biol. Cell Table of Contents for 1 December 2007; Vol. 18, No. 12

Molecular Biology of the Cell

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Mol. Biol. Cell Online Table of Contents Alert

A new issue of Molecular Biology of the Cell is available online:
1 December 2007; Vol. 18, No. 12

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Hypoxia Up-Regulates Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1{alpha} Transcription by Involving Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase and Nuclear Factor {kappa}B in Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells
Rachida S. BelAiba, Steve Bonello, Christian Zähringer, Stefanie Schmidt, John Hess, Thomas Kietzmann, and Agnes Görlach
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4691-4697

Late Endosomal Traffic of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Ensures Spatial and Temporal Fidelity of Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Signaling
N. Taub, D. Teis, H. L. Ebner, M. W. Hess, and L. A. Huber
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4698-4710

Mutations in {alpha}-Tubulin Confer Dinitroaniline Resistance at a Cost to Microtubule Function
Christopher Ma, Catherine Li, Lakshmi Ganesan, Jean Oak, Susan Tsai, David Sept, and Naomi S. Morrissette
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4711-4720

Dystroglycan and Protein O-Mannosyltransferases 1 and 2 Are Required to Maintain Integrity of Drosophila Larval Muscles
Nicola Haines, Sara Seabrooke, and Bryan A. Stewart
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4721-4730

Identification of CAP as a Costameric Protein that Interacts with Filamin C
Mei Zhang, Jun Liu, Alan Cheng, Stephanie M. DeYoung, and Alan R. Saltiel
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4731-4740

Copper and Manganese Induce Yeast Apoptosis via Different Pathways
Qiuli Liang and Bing Zhou
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4741-4749

Myosin VI Is Required for Targeted Membrane Transport during Cytokinesis
Susan D. Arden, Claudia Puri, Josephine Sui-Yan Au, John Kendrick-Jones, and Folma Buss
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4750-4761

Golgi-bound Rab34 Is a Novel Member of the Secretory Pathway
Neil M. Goldenberg, Sergio Grinstein, and Mel Silverman
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4762-4771

Phospholipase C Regulation of Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate-mediated Chemotaxis
Arjan Korthol, Jason S. King, Ineke Keizer-Gunnink, Adrian J. Harwood, and Peter J.M. Van Haastert
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4772-4779

Interaction of Ezrin with the Novel Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor PLEKHG6 Promotes RhoG-dependent Apical Cytoskeleton Rearrangements in Epithelial Cells
Romina D'Angelo, Sandra Aresta, Anne Blangy, Laurence Del Maestro, Daniel Louvard, and Monique Arpin
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4780-4793

Atf1 Is a Target of the Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Pmk1 and Regulates Cell Integrity in Fission Yeast
Hirofumi Takada, Masayuki Nishimura, Yuta Asayama, Yoshiaki Mannse, Shunji Ishiwata, Ayako Kita, Akira Doi, Aiko Nishida, Naoyuki Kai, Sayako Moriuchi, Hideki Tohda, Yuko Giga-Hama, Takayoshi Kuno, and Reiko Sugiura
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4794-4802

Role of Hsp104 in the Propagation and Inheritance of the [Het-s] Prion
Laurent Malato, Suzana Dos Reis, Laura Benkemoun, Raimon Sabaté, and Sven J. Saupe
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4803-4812

Kalirin/Trio Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors Regulate a Novel Step in Secretory Granule Maturation
Francesco Ferraro, Xin-Ming Ma, Jacqueline A. Sobota, Betty A. Eipper, and Richard E. Mains
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4813-4825

Cyclin D1 Is Transcriptionally Down-Regulated by ZO-2 via an E Box and the Transcription Factor c-Myc
Miriam Huerta, Rodrigo Muñoz, Rocío Tapia, Ernesto Soto-Reyes, Leticia Ramírez, Félix Recillas-Targa, Lorenza González-Mariscal, and Esther López-Bayghen
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4826-4836

p21waf1/cip1/sdi1 as a Central Regulator of Inducible Smooth Muscle Actin Expression and Differentiation of Cardiac Fibroblasts to Myofibroblasts
Sashwati Roy, Savita Khanna, Trenton Rink, Jared Radtke, W. Taylor Williams, Sabyasachi Biswas, Rebecca Schnitt, Arthur R. Strauch, and Chandan K. Sen
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4837-4846

Distinct Sequence Elements of Cyclin B1 Promote Localization to Chromatin, Centrosomes, and Kinetochores during Mitosis
Anna M. Bentley, Guillaume Normand, Jonathan Hoyt, and Randall W. King
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4847-4858

Diacylglycerol Kinase-{alpha} Mediates Hepatocyte Growth Factor-induced Epithelial Cell Scatter by Regulating Rac Activation and Membrane Ruffling
Federica Chianale, Santina Cutrupi, Elena Rainero, Gianluca Baldanzi, Paolo E. Porporato, Sara Traini, Nicoletta Filigheddu, Viola F. Gnocchi, Massimo M. Santoro, Ornella Parolini, Wim J. van Blitterswijk, Fabiola Sinigaglia, and Andrea Graziani
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4859-4871

Antibody to AP1B Adaptor Blocks Biosynthetic and Recycling Routes of Basolateral Proteins at Recycling Endosomes
Jorge Cancino, Carolina Torrealba, Andrea Soza, María Isabel Yuseff, Diego Gravotta, Peter Henklein, Enrique Rodriguez-Boulan, and Alfonso González
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4872-4884

Scd5p Mediates Phosphoregulation of Actin and Endocytosis by the Type 1 Phosphatase Glc7p in Yeast
Guisheng Zeng, Bo Huang, Suat Peng Neo, Junxia Wang, and Mingjie Cai
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4885-4898

CD44 and beta3 Integrin Organize Two Functionally Distinct Actin-based Domains in Osteoclasts
Anne Chabadel, Inmaculada Bañon-Rodríguez, David Cluet, Brian B. Rudkin, Bernhard Wehrle-Haller, Elisabeth Genot, Pierre Jurdic, Ines M. Anton, and Frédéric Saltel
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4899-4910

Caenorhabditis elegans prom-1 Is Required for Meiotic Prophase Progression and Homologous Chromosome Pairing
Verena Jantsch, Lois Tang, Pawel Pasierbek, Alexandra Penkner, Sudhir Nayak, Antoine Baudrimont, Tim Schedl, Anton Gartner, and Josef Loidl
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4911-4920

AP-1 and ARF1 Control Endosomal Dynamics at Sites of FcR–mediated Phagocytosis
Virginie Braun, Chantal Deschamps, Graça Raposo, Philippe Benaroch, Alexandre Benmerah, Philippe Chavrier, and Florence Niedergang
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4921-4931

Membrane-active Compounds Activate the Transcription Factors Pdr1 and Pdr3 Connecting Pleiotropic Drug Resistance and Membrane Lipid Homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Christoph Schüller, Yasmine M. Mamnun, Hubert Wolfger, Nathan Rockwell, Jeremy Thorner, and Karl Kuchler
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4932-4944

Identification of Novel Membrane-binding Domains in Multiple Yeast Cdc42 Effectors
Satoe Takahashi and Peter M. Pryciak
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4945-4956

Synaptotagmin C2A Loop 2 Mediates Ca2+-dependent SNARE Interactions Essential for Ca2+-triggered Vesicle Exocytosis
K. L. Lynch, R.R.L. Gerona, E. C. Larsen, R. F. Marcia, J. C. Mitchell, and T.F.J. Martin
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4957-4968

Reg-II Is an Exocrine Pancreas Injury-Response Product That Is Up-Regulated by Keratin Absence or Mutation
Bihui Zhong, Pavel Strnad, Diana M. Toivola, Guo-Zhong Tao, Xuhuai Ji, Harry B. Greenberg, and M. Bishr Omary
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4969-4978

The Golgin GCC88 Is Required for Efficient Retrograde Transport of Cargo from the Early Endosomes to the Trans-Golgi Network
Zi Zhao Lieu, Merran C. Derby, Rohan D. Teasdale, Charles Hart, Priscilla Gunn, and Paul A. Gleeson
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4979-4991

Cooperative Assembly of CYK-4/MgcRacGAP and ZEN-4/MKLP1 to Form the Centralspindlin Complex
Visnja Pavicic-Kaltenbrunner, Masanori Mishima, and Michael Glotzer
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 4992-5003

Epidermal Growth Factor Increases the Interaction between Nucleolin and Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein K/Poly(C) Binding Protein 1 Complex to Regulate the Gastrin mRNA Turnover
Pin-Tse Lee, Pao-Chi Liao, Wen-Chang Chang, and Joseph T. Tseng
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5004-5013

Transactivation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 by Interleukin-8 (IL-8/CXCL8) Is Required for IL-8/CXCL8-induced Endothelial Permeability
Melissa L. Petreaca, Min Yao, Yan Liu, Kathryn DeFea, and Manuela Martins-Green
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5014-5023

Dual Mechanism of a Natural CaMKII Inhibitor
Rebekah S. Vest, Kurtis D. Davies, Heather O'Leary, J. David Port, and K. Ulrich Bayer
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5024-5033

Rab11 Is Required for Membrane Trafficking and Actomyosin Ring Constriction in Meiotic Cytokinesis of Drosophila Males
Maria Grazia Giansanti, Giorgio Belloni, and Maurizio Gatti
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5034-5047

Cytoplasmic Relocalization of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A1 Controls Translation Initiation of Specific mRNAs
Anne Cammas, Frédéric Pileur, Sophie Bonnal, Stephen M. Lewis, Nicolas Lévêque, Martin Holcik, and Stéphan Vagner
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5048-5059

Tau Phosphorylation Sites Work in Concert to Promote Neurotoxicity In Vivo
Michelle L. Steinhilb, Dora Dias-Santagata, Tudor A. Fulga, Daniel L. Felch, and Mel B. Feany
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5060-5068

Type I{gamma} PIP Kinase Is a Novel Uropod Component that Regulates Rear Retraction during Neutrophil Chemotaxis
Mary A. Lokuta, Melissa A. Senetar, David A. Bennin, Paul A. Nuzzi, Keefe T. Chan, Vanessa L. Ott, and Anna Huttenlocher
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5069-5080

The Phosphorylation of Myosin II at the Ser1 and Ser2 Is Critical for Normal Platelet-derived Growth Factor–induced Reorganization of Myosin Filaments
Satoshi Komatsu and Mitsuo Ikebe
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5081-5090

Caenorhabditis elegans Intersectin: A Synaptic Protein Regulating Neurotransmission
Simon Rose, Maria Grazia Malabarba, Claudia Krag, Anna Schultz, Hanako Tsushima, Pier Paolo Di Fiore, and Anna Elisabetta Salcini
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5091-5099

Acclimation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Low Temperature: A Chemostat-based Transcriptome Analysis
Siew Leng Tai, Pascale Daran-Lapujade, Michael C. Walsh, Jack T. Pronk, and Jean-Marc Daran
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5100-5112

Endocytic Trafficking of Sphingomyelin Depends on Its Acyl Chain Length
Mirkka Koivusalo, Maurice Jansen, Pentti Somerharju, and Elina Ikonen
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5113-5123

Identification of an Intramolecular Interaction Important for the Regulation of GIT1 Functions
Antonio Totaro, Simona Paris, Claudia Asperti, and Ivan de Curtis
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5124-5138

Identification of Yeast IQGAP (Iqg1p) as an Anaphase-Promoting-Complex Substrate and Its Role in Actomyosin-Ring-Independent Cytokinesis
Nolan Ko, Ryuichi Nishihama, Gregory H. Tully, Denis Ostapenko, Mark J. Solomon, David O. Morgan, and John R. Pringle
Mol. Biol. Cell 2007;18 5139-5153

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