
World Stem Cell Summit 2010

Friday, November 23, 2007

Keyword News: [stem cell]

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Friday, November 23, 2007 10:31 PM PST

New Breakthrough Promises to Radically Change Stem Cell Debate
The Online NewsHour Fri, 23 Nov 2007 6:24 PM PST
Scientists reported Tuesday that they had succeeded in making human skin cells mimic embryonic stem cells, potentially bypassing the ethical debate over embryonic stem cell use. A cell biologist discusses the research behind the advance.

Scientist who ignited stem-cell war says it's over
WorldNet Daily Fri, 23 Nov 2007 10:08 PM PST
The scientist who helped ignite cultural and political controversy with the use of embryos in stem-cell research believes his new discovery – using ordinary adult skin cells – means the war is virtually over.

Man behind stem cell war may be peacemaker
UPI Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:20 AM PST
The U.S. researcher who set off controversy by taking stem cells from human embryos may have quieted critics by creating a stem cell without using an embryo.

Stem-cell advance opens up the field
The Christian Science Monitor via Yahoo! News Fri, 23 Nov 2007 0:00 AM PST
Colonies of tiny cells flourishing in petri dishes in the US and Japan are reshaping the political and ethical landscape surrounding human stem-cell research.

Wisconsin scientist at both ends of stem cell wars
Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune Fri, 23 Nov 2007 8:14 PM PST
If the stem cell wars are indeed nearly over, no one will savor the peace more than James Thomson. Thomson's laboratory at the University of Wisconsin was one of two that in 1998 plucked stem cells from human embryos for the first time, destroying the embryos in the process and touching off a divisive national debate. And on Tuesday, his laboratory was one of two that reported a new way to turn ...

Man behind stem cell war may be peacemaker Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:25 AM PST
The U.S. researcher who set off controversy by taking stem cells from human embryos may have quieted critics by creating a stem cell without using an embryo. James Thomson sparked a heated national debate in 1998 when his research destroyed human embryos....

Zack Arnstein: Yes! Stem Cell Research Back in Action! I'm Going to McDonald's
HuffingtonPost Fri, 23 Nov 2007 8:32 AM PST
I am extremely optimistic about the future of stem cell research, so I am figuring whatever organ failures, diseases or syndromes I encounter as a result of my uninhibited excessiveness will be fixable.

Advances should end stem-cell debate
Honolulu Star-Bulletin Fri, 23 Nov 2007 3:23 AM PST
What is being hailed as a major breakthrough in stem-cell research promises to lead to long-desired advances in treating Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, heart problems, diabetes and other ailments.

Stem cell research-seeking solutions
Trinidad Express Fri, 23 Nov 2007 7:23 PM PST
George W Bush will undoubtedly rejoice and claim that, "I told you so". There is no longer any need to use artificially produced human embryos to harvest stem cells.

Japan to back stem cell study
Lawrence Journal-World Fri, 23 Nov 2007 10:02 PM PST
Japan's Education, Science and Technology Ministry will provide nearly $65 million over the next five years to promote further research on new technology to produce cells resembling embryonic stem cells from ordinary skin cells, sources said.

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