Submitted by NickPOliva on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 21:54.
Yvonne Perry is a fellow writer and friend and after having read her book I am forwarding this information to all that I know in the hopes that they read and understand that we here in the United States are being mislead as to what researchers want to use for stem cells that are not human embryos as has been misstated over and over by groups that do not want to educate themselves.
I have diabetes, without this research I will die prematurely no matter what steps I can take now. My mother died at age 67, my brothers have it and millions of others in this country need a cure, NOW! Yvonne explains that the clump of cells called blastocysts are not living human entities. If you have family, friends, or loved ones that have life threatening diseases you need to read how close we are to curing this problems if our government would stop being pressured by special interest groups that have it all wrong. There is a forward by Rev. Dan Bloodworth a strong supporter of Yvonne's, with a Biblical Perspective on stem cell research.
Anything you can or are willing to do to help people understand the importance of federal funding for all types of stem cell research is much appreciatedâ"especially by those who currently suffer with an illness or condition that might be helped by the derived technology and treatments.
My review after reading this book.
A LIFE OR DEATH ISSUE, October 8, 2007
By Nick Oliva -Yvonne Perry has taken a courageous stand by tackling and dissecting these issues without predjudicial preconceived emotion. The biggest obstacle to this research is the inclusion of religious aspects in the determination that a blastocyst or a pile of benign cells constitutes human life, a grave error of thought. After all, is there a ceremony or last rites given to these cells? They are not inside a woman's uterus, they have not been given DNA to substantiate they are human and can take the form of whatever host they are merged into. I am a diabetic. I will die along with millions of others prematurely. With one injection of stem cells, in the near future my pancreas could grow back and I would be able to stop shooting insulin and going into insulin shock wearing my organs down and live a normal life. All I need is the ability of these dedicated researchers to be allowed to use funding to further the research to make it all happen for millions of us. Read the book before you go off about the "point that life begins" and begin to understand how much damage is being done because of a lack of understanding of that very question.
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