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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mol. Biol. Cell MBC In Press for 24 Oct 2007

Molecular Biology of the Cell

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Mol. Biol. Cell Online MBC In Press Alert

New Molecular Biology of the Cell MBC In Press articles have been made available
(for the period 17 Oct 2007 to 24 Oct 2007):

Distinct Pathways for the Early Recruitment of Myosin II and Actin to the Cytokinetic Furrow
Mian Zhou and Yu-Li Wang
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-08-0783

Coordination of Growth Rate, Cell Cycle, Stress Response, and Metabolic Activity in Yeast
Matthew J. Brauer, Curtis Huttenhower, Edoardo M. Airoldi, Rachel Rosenstein, John C. Matese, David Gresham, Viktor M. Boer, Olga G. Troyanskaya, and David Botstein
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-08-0779

Constitutively Active Akt Induces Ectodermal Defects and Impaired BMP Signaling
Carmen Segrelles, Marta Moral, Corina Lorz, Mirentxu Santos, Jerry Lu, José Luis Cascallana, M. Fernanda Lara, Steve Carbajal, Ana Belén Martínez-Cruz, Ramón García-Escudero, Linda Beltran, José C. Segovia, Ana Bravo, John DiGiovanni, and Jesús M. Paramio
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-08-0764

Quaternary Structure of the Mitochondrial TIM23 Complex Reveals Dynamic Association between Tim23p and Other Subunits
Nathan N. Alder, Jennifer Sutherland, Ashley I. Buhring, Robert E. Jensen, and Arthur E. Johnson
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-07-0669

The MAP Kinase p38 Links Shiga Toxin Dependent Signaling and Trafficking
Sébastien Wälchli, Sigrid S. Skånland, Tone F. Gregers, Silje U. Lauvrak, Maria L. Torgersen, Ming Ying, Shun’ichi Kuroda, Andrés Maturana, and Kirsten Sandvig
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-06-0565

Chromatin Challenges during DNA Replication: A Systems Representation
Kurt W. Kohn, Mirit I. Aladjem, John N. Weinstein, and Yves Pommier
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-06-0528

Mint3/X11{gamma} Is an Arf-dependent Adaptor that Regulates the Traffic of the Alzheimer’s Precursor Protein from the TGN
Punya Shrivastava-Ranjan, Victor Faundez, Guofu Fang, Howard Rees, James J. Lah, Allan I. Levey, and Richard A. Kahn
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-05-0465

PKC{delta} and Calmodulin Regulate EGF Receptor Recycling from Early Endosomes through Arp2/3 Complex and Cortactin
Anna Lladó, Paul Timpson, Sandra Vilà de Muga, Jemina Moretó, Albert Pol, Thomas Grewal, Roger J. Daly, Carlos Enrich, and Francesc Tebar
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-05-0411

CDK5RAP2 Is a Pericentriolar Protein That Functions in Centrosomal Attachment of the {gamma}-Tubulin Ring Complex
Ka-Wing Fong, Yuk-Kwan Choi, Jerome B. Rattner, and Robert Z. Qi
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-04-0371

Dual Mechanism of a Natural CaMKII Inhibitor
Rebekah S. Vest, Kurtis D. Davies, Heather O’Leary, J. David Port, and K. Ulrich Bayer
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-02-0185

Expansion of the Nucleoplasmic Reticulum Requires the Coordinated Activity of Lamins and CTP:Phosphocholine Cytidylyltransferase (CCT) {alpha}
Karsten M. Gehrig, Rosemary B. Cornell, and Neale D. Ridgway
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-02-0179

Using Bcr-Abl to Examine Mechanisms by which Abl Kinase Regulates Morphogenesis in Drosophila
Traci L. Stevens, Edward M. Rogers, Laura M. Koontz, Donald T. Fox, Catarina C.F. Homem, Stephanie H. Nowotarski, Nicholas B. Artabazon, and Mark Peifer
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E07-01-0008

LARG and mDia1 Link G{alpha}12/13 to Cell Polarity and Microtubule Dynamics
Polyxeni Goulimari, Helga Knieling, Ulrike Engel, and Robert Grosse
Mol. Biol. Cell published 24 October 2007, 10.1091/mbc.E06-11-1045

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