3 companies open Farmington Hills offices
By Chad Halcom
12:02 pm, September 13, 2007
Two nonprofit research agencies and an Ann Arbor-based company that
develops replacement organ tissue from stem cells are opening new
offices in the same building in Farmington Hills.
Innovative Biotherapies Inc., a biotech firm in business since 2003,
and the nonprofit Michigan Research Institute will join with the
Washington-based National Center for Manufacturing Sciences in a
grand opening to dedicate new offices at the Gateway Building on 12
Mile Road.
Founded as a spinoff company from the University of Michigan under
President and Chief Science Officer H. David Humes, IBT has an Ann
Arbor location and works to "develop nanofabricated replacement
organs utilizing stem cells," according to a press release. Humes
could not be reached for comment late Wednesday.
The Ann Arbor-based MRI is a nonprofit that fosters economic
development in life sciences by helping emerging companies get their
start; NCMS is a research and development consortium.
On hand for the opening event 4-8 p.m. Thursday will be Oakland
County Executive L. Brooks Patterson and U.S. Rep. Joseph
StemCells subscribers may also be interested in these sites:
Children's Neurobiological Solutions
Cord Blood Registry
The CNS Healing Group

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