Growing Heart Tissue For Implantation Is Possible In Six Weeks Says
Top Heart Surgeon
Article Date: 04 Sep 2007 - 15:00 PDT
Cardiac patients could have their own or donated cells engineered
into heart valve or muscle replacements and implanted within six
weeks from donation. This could be possible in as little as three to
five years say top heart surgeons in the journal Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - published
Professor Magdi Yacoub, the world's leading heart surgeon and
Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Imperial College, based at the Heart
Science Centre at Harefield Hospital has compiled the progress of his
team and researchers worldwide for a special edition of the journal
entitled 'Bioengineering the heart'.
Professor Yacoub said: "Currently people suffering from heart valve
disease can be treated with artificial replacement valves - they do
the job and save people's lives but they are far from perfect.
Although there has been huge progress in developing mechanical
replacements, they still work mechanically and not physiologically -
they cannot match the elegant sophisticated functions of living
The use of stem cells in cardiovascular tissue engineering has the
potential to mend damaged valves or heart muscle, providing a 'like
for like' match which would grow and repair in the same way as
patient's own heart tissue, unlike a donor valve or artificial
mechanical valve.
"The ultimate goal is to produce 'off-the-shelf' products which will
not cause an immune response from patients. This should be possible
in the next five to eight years. Using stem cells rather than animal
heart valves will reduce the risk of serious human disease caused by
Currently, only limited heart valve replacements are available and
all have the problem of durability. This latest research could
potentially lead to an unlimited number of heart valves being readily
available to treat the 80, 000 people worldwide who will need
replacements by the year 2020.
Biological substitutes perform many additional sophisticated
functions which can enhance heart muscle function, exercise capacity
and quality of life. These could have important implications for the
wellbeing and survival of the patient. In order to achieve this,
researchers in developmental biology, stem cell biology, immunology
and tissue engineering need to work closely together.
In 2005, over 15 million people died of cardiovascular disease - it
is one of the major causes of death and suffering in both the
developed and developing countries and there is an urgent need for
prevention and treatment.
Highlighted papers include:
Bioengineering the heart by M. Yacoub & R. Nerem
Contact: Sir Magdi Yacoub - via the Royal Society press office
Tissue engineering of heart valves using decellularized xenogeneic or
polymeric starter matrices by Dörthe Schmidt, Ulrich A. Stock, Simon
P. Hoerstrup
Contact: Simon Hoerstrup, Department of Surgical Research and Clinic
for Cardiovascular Surgery, University Hospital,
Raemistrasse Zurich/Switzerland simon_philipp.
The heart-forming fields: one or multiple? by Antoon F.M. Moorman,
Vincent M. Christoffels, Robert H. Anderson, Maurice J.B. van den Hoff
Contact: Antoon Moorman, Heart Failure Research Center, University of
Amsterdam a.f.moorman@
Immune response to stem cells and strategies to induce tolerance by
Puspa Batten, Nadia A. Rosenthal, Magdi H. Yacoub
Contact: Puspa Batten, Tissue Engineering Group, Heart Science
Centre, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London
Biomimetic approach to cardiac tissue engineering by M. Radisic, H.
Park, S. Gerecht, C. Cannizzaro, R. Langer, G. Vunjak-Novakovic
Contact: Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Columbia University gv2131@columbia.
Molecular and functional characteristics of heart-valve interstitial
cells by Adrian H. Chester, Patricia M. Taylor
Contact: Adrian Chester, Imperial College of Science Technology and
Medicine, a.chester@imperial.
Remaining papers include:
Extracellular matrix, mechanotransduction and structural hierarchies
in heart tissue engineering by Kevin K. Parker, Donald E. Ingber
Designed triple-helical peptides as tools for collagen biochemistry
and matrix engineering by Takaki Koide
Applying elastic fibre biology in vascular tissue engineering by Cay
M. Kielty, Simon Stephan, Michael J. Sherratt, Matthew Williamson, C.
Adrian Shuttleworth
Biological matrices and bionanotechnology by Patricia M. Taylor
Cell-bionics: tools for real-time sensor processing by Chris
Toumazou, Tony Cass
Flow and myocardial interaction: an imaging perspective by Guang-
Zhong Yang, Robert Merrifield, Sharmeen Masood, Philip J. Kilner
Heart valve function: a biomechanical perspective by Michael S.
Sacks, Ajit P. Yoganathan
Contact: Michael Sacks, University of Pittsburgh, msacks@pitt.
Fluid - structure interaction models of the mitral valve: function in
normal and pathological states by K.S. Kunzelman, D.R. Einstein, R.P.
Contact: Karyn Kunzelman, Central Maine Medical Center, USA
Aortic root dynamics and surgery: from craft to science by Allen
Cheng, Paul Dagum, D. Craig Miller
Contact: Craig Miller, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, dcm@stanford.
Heart valve macro- and microstructure by Martin Misfeld, Hans-Hinrich
Contact: Martin Misfeld, University of Luebeck, Germany,
Valvular endothelial cells and the mechanoregulation of valvular
pathology by Jonathan T. Butcher, Robert M. Nerem
Contact: Jonathan Butcher, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Cornell University, Ithaca jtb47@cornell.
The shear stress of it all: the cell membrane and mechanochemical
transduction by Charles R. White, John A. Frangos
Contact: John Frangos, La Jolla Bioengineering Institute, USA
Understanding endothelial cell apoptosis: what can the transcriptome,
glycome and proteome reveal? by Muna Affara, Benjamin Dunmore,
Christopher Savoie, Seiya Imoto, Yoshinori Tamada, Hiromitsu Araki,
D. Stephen Charnock-Jones, Satoru Miyano, Cristin Print
Contact: Cristin Print, University of Auckland, c.print@auckland.
Valvulogenesis: the moving target by Jonathan T. Butcher, Roger R.
Contact: Jonathan Butcher, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Cornell University, Ithaca jtb47@cornell.
Feeling into form by Antony Gormley
Contact: Antony Gormley, admin-work@antonygo
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