Rejuvenation through cell therapy
I THINK most of you will agree that life has become too fast-paced
and modernization and technology have affected us in many ways, be
these positive or otherwise. We are required to work longer and
longer hours. There are more paper works to finish, more tasks to
complete, more responsibilities added not only to our job
descriptions but in our familial obligations as well. We are
constantly consumed with thoughts about paying the bills, meeting
deadlines, making endless phone calls and answering e-mails. This
reality confronts us with the continual feeling of being hurried and
preoccupied, and never allows us to rest and find our preferred
peaceful and quiet moments. And without any warning, this harried
life will take its toll on our weary and tired bodies, whether we
like it or not, whether we are prepared for it or not.
Fortunately for many of us, there are new discoveries and innovations
in the field of medical science that can help us counter many of the
effects of pressure and anxieties brought about by our daily
Cell Therapy is one of the most incredible and astounding discoveries
of this generation. We have probably heard about cell therapy
sometime in our lives, most often connected with readings about the
skin and fat content of our body. Now a new form of cell therapy is
on its way of improving lives in the Philippines. This time, it
utilizes the patient's own bioactive platelet-rich plasma (which
comes from the blood) with the aim to regenerate damaged skin and
hypodermal tissues and makes use of a bio-stimulation injection
technique to infuse the plasma (a portion of one's own blood).
This platelet-rich plasma is removed after blood is taken from a
patient using a syringe that is then centrifuged to separate other
blood components. The plasma is rich in growth factors released by
platelets and white blood cells, and serves as a natural alternative
for dermal volumetric regeneration and rejuvenation (that is often
used for face lifts and volume addition to the thinned out facie).
The plasma is then injected into and under the skin's second layer.
This substance acts as a biologic scaffold that serves as a
controller giving out "structure and signal" instructions to direct
the stimulation of the 5 major steps in the regeneration process as
follows: formation of a tridimensional fibrin scaffold, release of
growth factors (thrombocytes and leukocytes), chemo-attraction of
macrophages and stem cells, induction of stem cell proliferation and
The overall effect of this cell therapy is the initiation of tissue
regeneration and rejuvenation, expediting the wound healing process,
as a biologic glue for tissue adhesion, and provision of a more
Its main indication for use is to fill volume defects such as deep
wrinkles, depressed or concave scars, improvement of skin
texture/circulation and hastening of wound healing in chronic ulcers
as in bed sores and in burn injuries.
For comments or suggestions, call 373-1558, 414-5880,
(0917) 497-6261, or e-mail at gc_beltran@yahoo.
StemCells subscribers may also be interested in these sites:
Children's Neurobiological Solutions
Cord Blood Registry
The CNS Healing Group

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