Cameron Petersen Cord Blood Bank
We need to build a Government funded, for the public, Cord Blood
Bank. Charlotte County could use a boost in their economy and this
would help. This would be the First Public Cord Bank in the country.
This would bring people from all over to our state of Florida. The
Cameron Petersen Cord Blood Bank.
We are starting a petition to create The Cameron Petersen Cord Blood
Bank. We need ALOT of signatures to make this possible. If you would
to sign this petition, send an email to:
Just send an email saying:
I, _______, am signing this petition to start a government funded
Cord Blood Bank, Cameron Petersen Cord Blood Bank, in Port Charlotte
Please include your full name, address, and phone number.
Ps: Tell a Friend!
Every signature helps!
we have
we need more signatures!
Link to Cameron's web site:
Carol is a personal friend of mine and her grandson is one of "my
kids". She is working very hard on this and I am asking everyone to
give her some encouragement and support by signing via email her
petition. The government requires a certain number of signatures
before they will move forward. So let's help her and all the kids
of this country. Please pass this email on to others.
Thanks Kirshner

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