Recently, our development of improved ES cell derivation methods, have generated us the possibility to derive ES cells from any mouse strain. These improved ES cell derivation methods even allow the derivation of ES cells from mice strains that were previously considered as non-permissive for ES cell derivation. All derived cell lines have proven germ-line transmission capability at high passage numbers. Among the future research aims of Thromb-X, are the derivation of embryonic stem cells from non-murine species (rabbit, rat, pig), the nuclear transfer technique to produce genetically modified rabbits, and the establishment of pronuclear injection in pigs.
If you are interested in applying to ThromboGenics, please contact us or send your resume to:
Karen Cauwels
ThromboGenics NV
Herestraat 49
B-3000 Leuven
Tel: +32 (16) 34 61 94
Fax: +32 (16) 34 61 34