Transition Therapeutics Inc. is a fully integrated biopharmaceutical company with a proprietary state-of-the art drug discovery engine and extensive drug development program exploring novel therapeutics in multiple disease indications. The focus of the corporate business is to discover and advance lead molecules to the most valuable and competitive targets in the industry using our state-of-the-art drug discovery engine, to accelerate the development of multiple products for large disease indications and to generate shareholder value through partnership with major pharmaceutical companies.
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Stem Cell Researchers
- Alexander Medvinsky
- Ali Brivanlou
- Anders Björklund
- Andre Choo
- Andrew Laslett
- Angelo Vescovi
- Ann A. Kiessling
- Annapoorni Rangarajan
- Anura Rambukkana
- Ariff Bongso
- Asa Abeliovich
- Asok Mukhopadhyay
- Austin Smith
- Brian Hendrich
- Bruno Péault
- Cambridge Stem Cell Team
- Cao Tong
- Carol Tang
- Catherine Verfaillie
- Choong Meng Ling
- Claire Pomeroy
- CS Chen
- D Balasubramanian
- David Haylock
- Debra S. Grega
- Deniz Kirik
- Douglas Winton
- Elaine Fuchs
- Emerson C. Perin
- Ernst J Wolvetang
- EuroStemCell Principal Investigators
- Fiona K. Doetsch
- Fiona Watt
- Frank Edenhofer
- Frederick J. Meyers
- Gary D. Smith
- Gavin Dawe
- George Daley
- Gerald Udolph
- Gunnar Juliusson
- Han Xiaodi
- Hannes Hentze
- Harry Moore
- Harvard Stem Cell Team
- Henrik Semb
- Hossein Baharvand
- Ian Chambers
- Ian McNiece
- Irving Weissman
- Isabella Artner
- Ivan Bertoncello
- Ivan R. Schwab
- J. Peter Rubin
- Jack M. Parent
- James F. Battey
- James Thomson
- Jay Tischfield
- Jeremy Micah Crook
- Johan Bengzon
- John A. Kessler
- John D. Gearhart
- John Harrington
- John R. Wingard
- John Yu
- Johnny Huard
- Jonas Larsson
- Joshua M. Hare
- Jyotsna Dhawan
- Jörg Cammenga
- K. Sue O'Shea
- Kacey G. Marra
- Kang’s
- Kathy Traianedes
- Ken Chan
- Kent L. Erickson
- Lalita S. Limaye
- Law Ping
- Lawrence W.Stanton
- Lee Eng Hin
- Lee Eng Hin
- Lee Seng Teik
- Li Ke Wu
- Lim Sai Kiang
- Linzhao Cheng
- Lyle Armstrong
- M I T R A D A S P A N I C K E R
- Mahendra Rao
- Majlinda Lako
- Mark W. Russell
- Mark Zern
- Markus Stoffel
- Mary Herbert
- Michaela Frye
- Mitchell S. Cairo
- Nadia Rosenthal
- Ng Soon Chye
- Nibedita Lenka
- NIH Stem Cell Program Staff
- NIH Stem Cell Unit Steering Committee Members
- Ole Didrik Laerum
- Olle Lindvall
- paul H. krebsbach
- Paul Robson
- Peter Andrews
- Peter Droge
- Peter Mombaerts
- peter x. ma
- Philip R. Streeter
- Ralph Green
- Randall McKinnon
- Ray Dunn
- Rebecca Morris
- Richard E. Champlin
- Richard M. Mortensen
- Richard Nowakowski
- Rick Cohen
- Robert Lanza
- Robert Zweigerdt
- Ron Emeson
- Ronald D.G. McKay
- Ronald Hart
- S. Laurance Johnston
- S.S. Agarwal
- Sally Lowell
- Samuel Tay Sim Wah
- Satish Totey
- Scottish Stem Cell Network - Board of Directors
- Sean J. Morrison
- Seok Hyun Kim
- Sergio Giralt
- Silviu Itescu
- Simon Cool
- Simon Tomlinson
- Sohail Ahmed
- Stefan Jovinge
- Stefan Karlsson
- Stefan Scheding
- Sten Eirik W. Jacobsen
- Stephen Minger
- Steve Oh
- Story C. Landis
- Susie Nilsson
- Swiss Stem cell Network Members
- The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Cente – stem cell faculty
- Thomas Lufkin
- UCLA - stem cell people
- University of California, Ivery – stem cell Researchers
- University of California, Riverside - stem cell faculty
- University of California, San Francisco – hESC center faculty
- University of Edinburgh – stem cell Researchers
- University of Minnesota - stem cell faculty
- University of New South Wales - stem cell Researchers
- University of Pittsburgh – SCRC Researchers
- University of Wisconsin – stem cell faculty
- V. Mohan
- Vaijayanti P. Kale
- Victor Nurcombe
- Wang Shu
- Wang Xiaojuan
- William H. Fleming
- William Hwang Ying Khee
- Winston Shim
- Wong Meng Cheong
- Xiao Zhi Cheng
- Xiaolong Fan
- Young Min Choi
- Yuri Kotolevstev
National and International Bioethical Bodies
- American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
- Australian Health Ethics Committee
- Austrian Bioethics Commission
- Bioethics Advisory Committee (BAC)
- Bioethics Appeals Commission
- Central Ethics Committee
- Christian Cultural Centre, Centers for Bioethics
- CNE - Commission Nationale d'Ethique
- Comision Nacional de Bioéticas
- Comitato nazionale per la bioetica
- Committee of Medical Ethics of the Polish
- Conselho Nacional de Ética par as Ciencias da Vida
- Council for Science and Technology
- Council of Europe
- Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment (CeBRA)
- European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
- FECCIS - Forum for Ethics Committees in the Commonwealth of Independent States
- Finnish National Advisory Board on Biotechnology
- Forskningsetiske komiteer
- France National Consultative Ethics Committee for Health and Life Sciences (CCNE)
- Fundacion Española para la Ciencia y la TecnologÃa (FECYT)
- German National Ethics Council
- Greek National Bioethics commission
- Health Council Netherlands
- ICMR Bioethics
- International Bioethics Committee (IBC)
- Latvian Central Medical Ethics Committee
- Le Comité consultatif de Bioéthique de Belgique
- Lithuanian Bioethics Committee
- Ministry of Health, the Elderly and Community Care
- National Bioethics Committee
- National Ethics Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction (NECAHR)
- National Science Council
- Nordic Committee on Bioethics
- Norwegian National Committee for Medical Research Ethics
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics
- Scottish Council on Human Bioethics
- Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics (SMER)
- Swiss Ethics Committee on Non-human Gene Technology
- Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics
- The Belgian Bio-ethical Committee
- The Estonian Genome Foundation
- The Irish Council for Bioethics
- The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- The Korean Bioethics Association
- The President's Council on Bioethics
- University Centre for Bioethics
Study and work opportunities (MS, PhD, PostDoc)
- Australian Stem Cell Centre
- Baylor Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Center
- Berkeley Stem Cell Center
- Black Family Stem Cell Institute
- Korea Stem Cell Research Centre
- Lund Stem Cell Center
- Miami Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute
- Michigan Center for hES Cell Research
- Midwest Institute for Comparative Stem Cell Biology
- New York Stem Cell Foundation
- NIH Stem cell centre
- North East England Stem Cell Institute
- Norwegian Stem Cell Center
- Oregon Stem Cell Center
- Rutgers Stem Cell Research Center
- Sheffield Centre for Stem Cell Biology
- Singapore Stem cell Research Centre
- SNU Adult Stem Cell Research Center
- Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
- Stem Cell Department Royan Institute
- Stem Cell Institute Leuven
- Texas Stem Cell Center
- The Harvard Stem Cell Institute
- The Jackson Laboratory
- UC Davis Center for Regenerative Science and Therapies
- UC Irvine Stem Cell Research Center
- UCLA Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Medicine
- UCRiverside stem cell centre
- UCSF human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Centre
- University of Cambridge Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research
- University of Edinburgh Institute for StemCell Research
- University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute
- University of Texas M. D. Anderson Stem Cell Transplantation & Cellular Therapy centre
- UW stem cell and regenerative medicine center
- WiCell Research Institute